[ 005 ]

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⤿ June 30th, 2020

Brianna looked up from her laptop with a confused look across her face as she heard a knock on her front door. She had been trying to edit a video for the last thirty or so minutes and hadn't gotten very far, tempted to call one of her friends or doing something of the sorts but tried to push through. But the knock on the door seemed like her way out so she got to her feet, putting her slippers on as she crossed her apartment.

"Hello?" Brianna peaked her head around her door, not bothering to check the peephole due to pure laziness. Her eyes went up and she was met with a man who smiled at the sight of her answering the door.

"Hey Bri," He greeted her with a smile and Brianna gave him a look, not sure what was going on and why her neighbor was at her house. She had made a point to avoid him so him showing up at nearly seven at night was something she hadn't been expecting.

"Oh," She muttered, not sure what to do as she kept her hand on her door handle. She wasn't paranoid but she was a nineteen year old girl who clearly lived alone and wasn't that strong to be honest. "Hello Jonathan," Brianna greeted the man and his eyes seemed to turn up a little more at her remembering his name. "Why are you here?" She asked suspiciously and his eyes moved to his door which wasn't too far from hers then back to Brianna herself.

"Can't be a good neighbor?" He joked and Brianna went back to glaring at him, unsure of his intentions. He took that as an answer and brought his hands up which revealed he was holding three brightly colored boxes. "I brought Girl Scout cookies." Jonathan stated the obvious and Brianna's eyes went to the red box, wanting to take it but not trusting the man or herself.

"What," Brianna said dumbly as she looked between the man who was towering over her but still not intimidating. "Are you like trying to win my trust?" She asked suspiciously, not sure why this neighbor she had spoken to once and had avoided for days was being nice.

"Something like that." Jonathan admitted as he looked at the cookies in his hands then back to the dark haired girl who was standing in the doorway. Her eyes were squinted slightly but Jonathan still tried to meet them.

"Well," Brianna said, breaking the eye contact quickly as her eyes went to the ground. "I'm on a diet right now," She lied straight through her teeth as she didn't want to take the cookies from him as of the moment. She quickly glanced over her shoulder as her Discord started to go off and cringed at how loud it was even from her front door. "Counting calories and all." She told the truth this time and Jonathan frowned at the idea of the girl doing something that was that unhealthy.

"You don't need to do that," He told her and she glared at him. Brianna had been told that multiple times by multiple people, including Will but she didn't care. She refused to let Tommy or her fan base know though because she knew it wouldn't go over well.

"Thank you for the cookies Jonathan," The girl said, not taking the cookies from him and he looked at them. She glanced back into her apartment as the Discord call continued so she assumed it was a group chat with the boys who were blowing up her dms. Or more Tommy was blowing up her dms. "Have a good night." She said and he gave her a smile.

"Have a good night Bri." Jonathan said with a small soft smile to the girl as she closed the door and let out a breath she didn't know that she was holding, returning to the safety that came with being alone.

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