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⤿ March 10th, 2021

It had taken less then five day for the news about the breakup to reach all of Brianna's friends but it hadn't been announced on the internet yet. She had absolutely no idea how the fans would interact but her friends were treating it very well. They were supporting Brianna without talking trash on John and had actually gotten her to log onto Twitch to finally do a live stream. They had started a random world to just mess around on for a few hours.

"So Bri," Quackity said as he ran up to her and started to look through the chest which Bri had been just sorting through. They had done pretty well for the first twenty minutes of the stream with all agreeing to go to the end but Dream was of course speed running to find the end portal before everyone else, promising that he wouldn't go through the portal without them, with Sapnap and George chasing after him while Quackity and Karl helped Brianna work on the house they had messily been building over the stream which didn't look too good in full honestly.

"Wait, where are you?" Dream suddenly cuts Quackity off and George yells as he is murdered once again by the green man and spawns in the bed that they all had set their spawn on. "Coords?"

"Uh," Brianna pressed F3 to check what the coords of their main base is and she moved to type them into the chat. Then an idea hit her before she pressed send. "Oh chat, oh chat, write them down. Write my coords down please." She mocked Dream who groaned.

"Don't," Dreamed laughed lightly under his breath at how his friends were acting. She shook her head lightly with a small laugh as she watched the boys messily build a house to try and make her happy. "Whatever." He sighed as Brianna sent the coords in chat so everyone could see them just in case.

"Can I fucking talk now?" Quackity finally sighed as the two finished their small talk and Brianna joined in on building the house, the girl going through and lighting up the mess that could be seen as a house if you were to squint really hard so mobs didn't spawn.

"Yes." Brianna laughed, allowing him to talk.

"Okay, so,"

"Okay, I'm back." Brianna heard Sapnap say as he came back to the call, unmuting his mic to join in on whatever was going on. He had been afk for a little bit and clearly wasn't aware of what was going on, cutting off whatever Quackity was going to say.

"For fucks sake." Quackity yelled as he was once again cut off by their friend, which of course caused laughter to break out in the call.

"Okay talk, I'm ready." Brianna wheezed into her mic, looking over to see her chat laughing along with her. She didn't have her camera on for the first time in a while due to how much of a mess she looked at the moment.

"So Brianna," Quackity said, his voice louder then the rest of people in the call who were still laughing at the fact that Quackity kept getting talked over. "We finished the fucking house!" He told the girl which made Brianna lean back in her chair, laughing at the stupidity of the group that she loved so much.

"We should sing." Dream said suddenly as he arrived next to Brianna, walking into the mess of a Minecraft house and immediately getting started on trying to fix the mess. The walls were quite literally made out of a mixture of cobblestone, dirt and oak wood. He was very confused on how the trio had managed to build a house, he had low expectations from them but at the same time.

"We are going to pop off." George agreed as his voice changed due to him turning on auto tune which made Brianna laugh. "Dream owes me 200 pounds for doing this." He sang to Brianna with a laugh afterwards and she assumed that the only way that Dream would've ever gotten George to do this was through money.

"Me too," Sapnap added on, his own voice also in auto tune while more laughter came from the others in the call. Brianna laughed at the fact that Dream was willing to pay his friends to try to get Brianna to cheer up and clearly it was working. "We are about to pop off."

"Why am I scared chat?" Brianna asked as she looked over to her chat but they were pretty much all spamming music notes, music discs and microphones. And they weren't even on emote mode only, they were doing it by choice.

"This is going to be so good." Dream said with his auto tune on, practically singing which made Brianna laugh again as she shook her head. This was the most she had laughed in days and she wasn't even doing anything other then listening to her friends fuck around.

"We are popping off Brianna," George added in his own auto tune which made Brianna laugh some more. She knew that this humor was pretty old but she still loved it and it warmed her chest to realize that they knew what would make her smile and laugh.

"Yeah," Quackity sang, clearly taking initiative over the fact that they were going to be singing some song to Brianna. She had no idea what song but she was sure that it was going to be a song that they had made in secret before stream when she was cooking dinner with Will. "This one is for Brianna," He added as a bear started to play in the call which was very clearly made by the group of guys.

"Oh god." Brianna laughed as a lot of 'mhm's and 'yeah's came from the group of guys as they got ready to sing whatever song they had set up for her. "Guys get ready to clip this." She told her chat with a laugh right before the boys started to sing, still in auto tune and all while laughing at themselves.

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