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⤿ September 20th, 2020

"Knock, knock," Brianna didn't even bother to look up from her cookbook as she flipped through the pages and tried to find something that she could make with her limited groceries because she hated grocery shopping with a strong passion. She figured that she hated it due to the fact that she had spent so much time in a grocery store as a child and teenager.

"Unlocked, come in." Brianna called out to the person standing outside of her door and a grin stayed glued on the girls face. She watched as the man dressed in black jeans and a sweater walked into her apartment with a confused expression across his face as he came to stand in the kitchen with her.

"Why do you keep your door unlocked?" John asked with a frown as he looked back to the door. Brianna shrugged and looked out of the window, seeing that the sky was turning dark. She had just finished streaming and it was the stream that announced who was running for president, with Jschlatt now running as a president elect.

"Why should I lock it?" Brianna asked with a small laugh as she looked up from the cookbook again to see John with a confused expression across his face. She shrugged and moved to pull some veggies out of her fridge as she already had meat thawing on the counter. "I'm on the third story, have a lobby that people have to use a card to get in," Brianna listed then looked at John with a carrot in her hands, pointed at him as if it were a sword of sorts. "Plus I have you." She winked and then turned back to the meal she planned on cooking.

"Plus you have me." John repeated with a small laugh and the girl rolled her eyes playfully as she began to pull out the rest of the kitchen equipment she would need for the meal she was preparing.

"What?" Brianna asked as she turned around with a wooden spoon in her hand. John only continued to watch the girl as she easily moved around in the kitchen, awe hidden in his eyes at how elegant the girl was. "You wouldn't be my savior if someone broke in?" The girl smiled at him and John blinked, rolling his eyes with a small grin appearing on his face at how the conversation was going.

"Of course I would." John laughed lightly at the fake idea of someone coming into the apartment building just to try and break into Brianna's apartment. The idea was so stupid and didn't make any sense in the real world and made both of them laugh.

"Mhm," Brianna hummed in approval, a grin on her face as she looked down at the book one more time. She could feel her heart beat a little faster at how John had easily said that he would protect her but she didn't let him see how she felt. "I'm going to make dinner." The girl announced, deciding to finally get on the task she had been meaning to do for the last hour or so.

"Nice," Brianna heard John say and she looked over her shoulder at him as she moved to put the potatoes on to a cutting board so they could be chopped up and used for later. "I'm going to sit right here." He added with a sly smile made Brianna rolled her eyes at.

"Why?" Brianna asked and crossed her arms as she looked at the man, putting down her knife to stare at him.

"Because." John shrugged blankly.

"So," Brianna dragged out the word as she looked at her neighbor with a grin across her face. John looked back at her with a soft look on his face, a feeling which he couldn't explain growing in his chest as she looked at him with the smile he had rarely seen before. "You're staying?" She asked and tilted her head to the side and John laughed a little.

"Yeah," He shrugged again and Brianna rolled her eyes playfully as she leaned back against the counter with a smug look crossing her face slowly but surely.

"Yeah, alright," Brianna said with a grin remaining on her face but a small mischievous glint in her eyes which John only spotted for a minute before the girl turned back to the counter. "I'm making beef stew with carrots and potatoes," She told the man from over her shoulder and John nodded a little, just listening to her voice which he'd grown rather fond of over the span of a few months. "Would you like some?" Bri asked John with a smile across her face and John was brought back down to reality, a grin crossing his face at the idea of a home cooked meal. He hadn't had one in a while.

"I'd love some." John said with a smile and Brianna turned around with a grin pressed across her face that caused John to raise his eyebrows slightly.

"You have to help me cook then," Brianna said, holding out a carrot for him to take and chop up. John sighed dramatically as he got up from where he had been sitting on the barstool and walked over to her side. He took the knife from her hands carefully and met her eyes.

"I feel like that was a trap." John says, keeping eye contact with the dark eyed girl who doesn't look away. Brianna only moves a step closer with a smile across her face, amusement in her eyes as she looked up at him due to their large height difference.

"What?" Brianna asked, stepping slightly closer again and John tilted his head down to look at her which made Brianna look up some more. The two were only inches apart from each other and John was silently in shock at how Brianna looked so amazing so close up, with their noses practically touching. "Were you expecting to stay here and eat for free?"

"Kinda," John muttered, his eyes flickered to Brianna's lips. She smiled a little and the two stared at each other for another second, inches apart from each other.

"Well," Brianna took a step back, the playful grin crossing her face and John felt a small frown appear on his. "That's a no, Mr Maybe Future President." She told the man with a small giggle as she turned towards the stove top again, preparing to make the stew while she had given John the job of cutting up carrots and potatoes.

"Tease." John muttered under his breath and Brianna grinned a little more.

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