[ 010 ]

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⤿ July 20th, 2020


TommyInnit | TommyInnit (16:44)
Clone | CloneAttackBoo (16:47)
Oh Tommy is raging rn
PHYYY | Phyroze
Oh definitely lmfaooo
Katie | KatPanda
Imagine NOT being followed by
Jschlatt or Dream or Techno haha

Real Life

"How dare you!" Tommy's voice yelled out as he joined the voice channel that Brianna and Will were sitting in. They were currently sitting in Brianna's Discord server which was quickly growing in size. The two were just bullshitting as people listened in and chatted along with them in the listening channel, giving live feed back to her.

"Who even is Jschlatt?" Brianna asked with a tilt her head as she pulled up Twitter to try and see who the man was. His profile picture was cute to say the least but Brianna wasn't sure who he was still.

"Only like," Tommy started with an exasperated sounding kind of tone as Brianna began her journey down his page. There were tweets which made her grin a little and she couldn't help but continue to scroll. "The coolest creator ever." He told her and Brianna raised her eyebrows slightly at that statement.

"Yeah, doubt." Brianna informed the younger boy with a small roll of her eyes as she only continued to scroll. She loved the humor that this random guy had and seeming from the number of likes on the tweets he posted, so did a lot of people. She began to look through who was following the man with curiosity. "I'm the coolest." She says with a grin growing on her face and sees that some of her friends are following this guy.

"Literally no." Tommy said with a frown across his face with a fake American accent that was worth a scoff from both Will and Brianna. Will shook his head, clearly just listening on the conversation and there was the sound of a piano in the background letting everyone know that he was messing around with one.

"Quite literally am." Brianna said, now mocking the English accent that Tommy and Will shared. Only thing was that Brianna's accent was quite better then Tommy's due to the fact that she hung out with people across the ocean more then she would like to admit.

"But still," Tommy started but was cut off.

"He also plays Minecraft." Will hummed as he played a few keys on the piano in front of him. Brianna wasn't known for playing just Minecraft, she was actually known for playing other games more but she recently had been joining her friends playing Minecraft a lot more often. "He's in quite a few of my videos."

"Huh," Brianna said as she did in fact see that Wilbur Soot followed this person and she secretly wondered who this person was. And if his humor was as good as it was on Twitter. The girl couldn't help but wonder why their humor was so in sync. "Maybe I can get him to do a collab with him." Her thoughts slipped from her mind and the people who were listening to her seemed to get excited over the idea of the two creators getting to know each other as well as Brianna breaking out of her small limited circle, although they didn't mind the content they got.

"That would be cool," Will said with a nod and Brianna made a mental note to reach out to the man later in the day.

"Agreed." A new voice spoke up and Brianna's eyes flew to her second monitor where she saw that someone had joined their cal.

"Phil!" Brianna called out happily to the man who she often looked up to and really enjoyed the company of. "Father!" She added with a bright smile across her face and she looked to see that her chat was filled with things along the same line. The two had a father-daughter relationship and the content between them was always funny as hell, plus when Techno was involved it was always perfect content that the people loved.

"Hello favorite child." Phil said and Brianna laughed mischievously as both Tommy and Will let out noises of complaint at the blatant favoritism.

Douchebag | JSchlatt ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now