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⤿ January 9th, 2021

Brianna was streaming and John had ever so kindly decided to join her, as he usually did whenever he wasn't busy or wasn't doing some kind of recording with his friends.  They were running around on the Origins SMP with each having their own unique traits, Brianna being a bunny with Technoblade and Jschlatt being a goat as his Minecraft skin was close to that. The two had been spending almost an hour on the new server before Brianna had stumbled across a pack of wolves, taking some bones which she had collected earlier in the stream and getting one of them for her selves. She then brought it back to the house that she and John had built up in the hills, due to the fact that John could only have his character sleep at a certain y point and above.

"Oh," Brianna cooed as she pressed shift, her character stopping and tilting its head towards the sitting dog. She had dyed the color of the Minecraft dogs collar the shade of purple that was provided after getting Schlatt to help her hunt down the flowers that they needed. "Sweet little baby puppy," She continued on and her eyes moved to the other monitor which had her chat flying past. There was a bright grin across her face because she was genuinely very happy to have a pet in the game. Add the fact that Sapnap wasn't around to probably kill it, she was ready to leave it in the open.

"It's a wolf." John informed Brianna as he opened the e wooden door of her house and closed it behind him. The two were standing in the pretty house with many glass windows and her stuff was pretty much in the open. With the exception of her valuables chest which she had hid from even John because she knew that a Tommy would even steal from her if he was given the chance.

"Don't bully my wolf." Brianna told John and hit him with her sword which made the dog start to growl. A look of regret crossed her face but the dog was sitting down so there was no way that it would attack John unless water was placed down or if Brianna made it stand up. John rolled his eyes at how she had decided to start calling the wolf a wolf after she had been calling it a puppy for the last half hour of the stream after she'd gotten it. "I love my wolf." She said into her mic and went to her chests which had all been sorted very carefully as Bri hated losing what she had collected. And she also knew that if she didn't then TommyInnit would eventually come around and steal something without her noticing. And then the time when she would need it the most could come about and she would be annoyed that she didn't have it. "More then I love you." She added with a grin which made John roll his eyes, everyone aware that they were joking around. There was also many people taking clips and Brianna was sure that her saying 'I love you' was going to end up in edits on TikTok or something of the sorts.

"Wow," John said as he started to walk towards the area in which Brianna kept all of her goodies and she hit him again with a sword. She knew that he had an extra heart so she wasn't too worried about killing him in the game, she was also aware that he almost never carried anything on him besides a stone pickaxe or something of the sorts. "Rude." He scoffed before the two laughed a little.

"He's your baby!" Brianna looked over when she heard the words come from the Twitch bot and she saw that it came with a dono. A playful smile appeared on her face as she continued to sort her inventory, she was planning on growing her house but it would take time and a lot of resources. When she looked over she saw that her chat was now being spammed with people talking about babies.

"Haha, yeah chat, no." Brianna laughed as she continued to read what chat was saying, John helping her smelt cobble stone into normal stone so they could add to her castle like home in progress. "I don't plan on having little vagina gremlins." She told the people watching with another laugh as she continued to place blocks in the game. "But maybe he can be my little baby," Brianna tilted her head as she jumped from where she was building, looking at the wolf which she had tamed, entertaining her chat. "My little baby." She laughed and her and John continued building her new home and talking to chat about other stupid topics.

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