[ 030 ]

4.6K 113 3

⤿ September 5th, 2020

Brianna let out a small but nervous laugh as she watched as the mass amounts of people flooded into her chat, either speaking words of excitement or confusion as they saw the title of the stream which announced that Brianna and Jschlatt were going on a Minecraft date. Most of the chat flied by too fast to read clearly with close to sixty thousand people there, not half as many as there had been at Austin's show but she was sure that these people were curious about Brianna's 'date' with Jschlatt.

"So," Brianna asked as she turned on her face cam and the chat sped up a bit more and she tried to read the overwhelming amount of responses with most comments saying hello or complimenting her. "How are we doing tonight?" She asked with a smile and the chat continued on, only this time it was most people sharing their confusion.

"Hey Bri Bri," Jschlatt's voice came in suddenly and a frown appeared on Brianna's face at the nickname which she had just been called, not knowing if she exactly liked it. His excited tone strongly confused Brianna thought.

"What the hell of a nickname is that?" Brianna asked, trying to remain serious although a small smile appeared on her face. Her chat easily pointed this out to her and she moved her hand carefully to cover her mouth so the viewers couldn't see the smile growing on her face.

"A good one." Schlatt simply told her, basically letting her know that he wasn't going to drop the name and she groaned dramatically, rolling his eyes as her screen now displayed her in game Minecraft character. Her face cam moved to the right hand corner and she moved her hand back to her mouse.

"A bad one." Brianna disagreed with him before the two started off with a normal Minecraft world, loading into the server that had been set up. But the two of them quickly moved on with Brianna starting to joke around and pester him with cringe pickup lines that she had received from her chat before they started bickering back and forwards.

It was obvious that when they got along, they were amazing together and personalities fit perfectly together. And everyone watching through the stream could easily see that while Brianna and Schlatt also could see it through their bickering and jokes.

"Bri," Jschlatt said as Brianna stood on top of the house that they had spent the last two hours working on with a flint and steel in her characters hands. She crouched forwards on the very wooden roof and very wooden house because while it looked good, both knew that it would easily go down if she set it on fire. "Don't you dare." Bri only laughed a little with mischief clearly in her eyes that her viewers could see as they spammed for her to stop. "Put down the flint and steel."

"You can't make me do shit, Jschlatt." Brianna shot back with a shit eating grin across her face that Jschlatt saw through him watching her stream. If anything that was the main reason as to why he still used his Twitch because once he found her channel he watched every stream she did. Silently he wondered if that made him a stalker but at the same time he didn't quite care enough.

"I will literally come over there." Jschlatt responded and Brianna's eyebrows raised a little in response as to how he had responded but she decided to play along. She grinned at chat, resting her head against the back of her chair as she read her chat speed past.

"At least buy me dinner first." Brianna jokingly flirting in his direction which took Schlatt back for a second but he quickly responded with a shit eating grin on his face.

"How about some wine?" Schlatt offered as a joke obviously but he knew that he had some wine that was sitting in his fridge, unopened and he also knew he wouldn't mind sharing it with her. A blush grew across Brianna's face at how he had returned the flirt so causally but she quickly recovered before chat could say anything.

"The windows locked," Brianna said with a smile on her face, both of them knowing what she was talking about while the chat was suddenly filled with confusion as to what she had said. A grin crossed both of their faces as they looked at each other's characters and Brianna rolled her eyes jokingly. "Sorry." She half apologized before the two went back to playing Minecraft.

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