1 | First Day

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𝗪𝘀𝗴 𝗹𝗼𝗹

Alr so this is a rlly recent adit made (12-1-23) this book is VERY inconsistent, and it also includes alot of spelling mistakes and errors. I made this book before all the reese things and I just want everybody to know that 😭 its also rlly cringe and I prob might make some edits here and there in the future but yk 👍🏽 make sure to follow ill def try and make a new book and if u wna contact me or smth my insta is @jboysx4 I post art and all that silly stuff 🫡

I made this book in july 2022 i think

I just got fired from my job at McDonald's, curse that darn place..

I arrive home and immediately go onto my computer in search of a new job.

I scroll a bit before seeing the perfect job, it was a Pizzaria for kids!

I click the application and signed up, I sent an email to the owner, "Mr.Boseman".

I close my computer and change before falling asleep, to lazy to shower.


I open my computer slowly, I notice theres a notification and click it, I got accepted.

A large smile form's across my face, "I JUST GOT ACCEPTED!!" I grab my stuff and head outside.

I call a taxi and tell them to bring me to Fred Bears Pizzaria. When I finally arrive I walk out after paying the driver.

I walk inside and see a very tall ginger man standing near the front door, he turns his face to look at me.

A very tall ginger comes up to me, "Hello, we're closed right now do you need anything?" The man says.

"Hey uh, im Y/n? I applied for a job here."

"Oh I uh, I'm so sorry! I forgot!"

"Its alright!" I smile at him, he smiles back.

"Well uh.. I don't really feel like doing a interview so you're immediately hired!"

"Oh, I uh, yeah sure! Heh."

"Alright, follow me!" He leads me to a light blonde man with a beard.

"This is Henry Emily, Henry this is Y/n L/n a new worker."

"Hello its a pleasure to meet you Mx.L/n!"

"Its a pleasure to meet you too Mr.Emily."

"Over here we have Philip Guy, Philip this is Y/n L/n."

"Hello!" I wave at him.

He waves at me back with a nervous smile.

"Welp, now I gotta find the brit.." he mutters under his breath.

He looks around before looking at someone on the stage who seemed to be working on a yellow rabbit.

"There he is! Cmon Y/n let's go!" He runs to the stage and I follow.

"And this is William Afton, William this is Y/n L/n!"

"I'm not interested Bossy." The man rolls his eyes.

"Pft, well excuse me but they're new! Cmon just, shake their hand." He tells the man.

The man walks up to me then stares at me, he was about 4'10. He gives me a rude glare.

"Eugh, what's your name again?"

"Its Y/n, Y/n L/n. And you're William?"

"William Afton." He puts his hand out waiting for me to shake it, I dont. He rolls his eyes and puts his hand back.

"Alright uh, sorry to interrupt the lovey moment you guys were having but I need to ask the brit over here a question, mind if you uh, go over there?"


"Ok.. I just need to speak with you for a second William."


"Okay, I don't mind." I go the other way. William and Mr.Boseman talk before signaling me to come over. I walk back over to them.

"Alright so, I asked William to like uhh.. show you around the place. That Alright with you?"


"Alrighty!! You guys go do that and I'm going to talk with Henry for a bit."

I follow him down a long hallways, the lights were flickers. Some off and some on.

"Okay heres tha room where yknow supplies for cleaning as you are floor staff."

He heads to the next door, "This is the parts n service room, you will NOT go in there thats where I work, just uh.. yeah."

×After Tour Bc Im Lazy×

"Thats all, now leave me alone."

"One question, why do you always act like someones foot is up your ass all the time?"

He stops in his tracks and looks at me, "I can act however I want to you idiot."

"Shut the hell up you midget."

He runs up to me before jumping and pulling on my hair.

He was about to say something before Henry walks in.

"Whats going on here??"

"Its William he-"

"Nope Henry! Everything is just, sweeellll..." William says, they both stare at me.

I sigh and cross my arms, "Yep, nothings wrong."

"Alright, get back to working."

Henry walks away and William gives me a shit eating smile, I roll my eyes and we both head back to the main area.

×After Work×

I sigh before saying bye to everybody and calling a taxi.

I head home, when im finally there I give my money to the women who was driving me and head inside.

I set my stuff down and race for the bathroom, grabbing my clothing and take a bath.

×After Shower×

I walk out the bath, I put my clothes on and walk over to my bed.

I flop onto its and grab one of my soft pillow, I hug it as my eyes feel heavy and I fall asleep.


OG words before edit:745

Words after edit: 938

𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now