25 | Sick

563 7 82

Hi again


Nobody's Pov

You had a nightmare lastnight, it was about William. For the past couple night you have been having nightmares about him.

You wake up in a cold sweat, William wasn't next to you. It was pretty normal for him to wake up before you.

You put your slippers on then taking a robe and wrapping it around you since it was cold.

You hear something in the living room, it was the TV.

William was sitting on the couch watching the "Telly", that's what he would call it.

"Morning Will." You didn't really feel so good but you brushed it off.

"Morning luv, I made you some food in the kitchen." You smile softly at him before walking into the kitchen.

The food looked amazing, it was coffee, toasted bread, sunny side eggs with some bacon. (Idk man I didn't have an idea on what to make the food, usual American breakfast fr 😣‼️)

You sat down in the chair before taking a sip of the coffee. Then you began eating.

You decided to take the day off, you felt a bit nauseous. Maybe it was because you slept with an empty stomach?

Once you finished your food you put your plate in the sink, you walk back towards your bedroom before feeling something twist and turn in your stomach.


"Y/n, you okay..?" He says, looking behind him.

"M-Mhm-" He gets up and walks towards you, going on his tippy toes and putting his hand on your forehead.

"You're burning up, are you sick?"

"Sick, nahh-"

"I'm not stupid, ill help you get back in bed." You were practically still half awake, you stared at him with your tired eyes.

He helped you to your bedroom, laying you on the bed, then going to the kitchen getting an ice pack before placing it on your forehead.

He put the covers over your body as he held your hand, he was pretty worried about your well being.

"Want me to go to the store and get some medicine dear?"


"Alright, I'll be back in about 10 minutes, you stay here." He said, kissing your cheek.

8 minutes later you ended up falling asleep. When William came back he noticed this and placed the covers on you.

He was about to walk away before you grabbed his wrist, staring at him with your eyes barely even open.

"S-Stay, please.."

He stood there staring at your face for a couple seconds. Your hair was a mess, you had large bags under your eyes and a red nose.

He sighs, "Alright but let me get you some medicine first." You nod, he takes out the medicine from the CVS bag he got.

He pours it into a mini measuring cup before giving it to you. You tap a sip, it tasted gross..

Once your done with it you grab some water and begin to drink it. He sits next to your weak body as you held onto his hand.

You were so tired, William could tell. "Go to bed dear, it will help you." You close your eyes before drifting off to sleep.

You laid on his lap while he caressed your face. He didn't really even care that you were sick, he loved you.

He eventually ended up sleeping too.

Idk bruv I randomly got motivated 😦

WORDS: 580

𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now