20 | Oh

618 11 52

Ok so this is like an angst chapter bc yeah and I wanna be dramatic LSJDKD



- Y/ns Pov -

I flutter my eyes open, I feel something heavy on my chest before looking down the see Dave.

He rubs his eyes before fully opening them then staring at me.



I try to sit up but Dave pins me down, "No, stay."

"I need to go to work-"

"Don't go, pleeaasee.."

"Fine, I'll take my day off."


"I'm going to go brush my teeth, I'll be right back."

"Alright!" I walk to the bathroom and close the door.

- Daves(Peepaws 🥰) pov -

I watch as Y/n walks to the bathroom before they close the door.

I look back at where they were laying down and flop my head into their pillow.

'I need to tell Y/n that I'm William.." I say to myself before they walk out of the bathroom.

"You still tired?"


They sit back on the bed and begin to play with my hair.

- Y/ns Pov 😹 -

I play with Dave's hair before looking at the roots, his hair was obviously bleached.

I brush my fingers through his hair while he lays on my chest. I look at his eyes, an image of Williams goes through my mind.

'He has the same colored eyes, that's pretty rare.' I say to myself, William and Dave had different colored pupils but, one is more dilated more than the other. Just like William.

Then another image goes through my mind of William, when he got springlocked. He showed me these scars he had on himself. It was very similar to Dave's.

My eyes widen as I realize that Dave could possibly be William.

"I-Is something wrong..?" Dave says looking straight up at me nervously.



"Are you, hiding something from me..?"

""-What do you mean??" He says, a drip of sweat rolls down his face.

"Your hair is dyed, isn't it?"

"Naur! I'm a natural blonde!"

"You should've bleached your roots too."

He goes silent before looking away. I put my hand on his.

He looks at me the same way William did.

I take my hand back, I begin I hold back my tears.

"I-I just.. are you actually Dave Miller?"

"I'm Dave Miller! Who else would you think I am??"

"William Afton." The room goes silent.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and looks at me. "I.. I was going to tell you sooner or later, Y/n." He says.

I look at him and the tears finally pour out. I cover my mouth and he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Look Y/n, I'm sorry.. I wanted to tell you I just, I didn't have the cour-"

"Why did you even leave?? For two years, TWO YEARS WILLIAM. I was wishing everyday for you to come back. I don't even know just, could you leave me alone for a couple minutes."

"O-Of course, I'm sorry.." He walks out the room. I grab my pillow and hold onto it for a while.

I take out (fav book 😍) and begin to read.

- A couple minutes later 👹 -

I hear knocking on the door, "Come in." I say quietly.

Dave(peepaw 😹) walks in, "Look Y/n, i-im sorry for lying to you and I- I was really nervous that you would take it badly and stuff.."

"Its alright um, should I call you Dave or William..?"

"William is fine love." I smile a bit before kissing his cheek.

"Sorry for lashing out on you William. I just was upset."

"We all make mistakes." He smiles at me softly before hugging me tightly.

I forgot how to end a chapter help 😭

Words: 642

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