10 | Hanging out

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After I hop out of the shower, I head to my closet in search of a good pear of clothing.

(Any 80's fit you want bc I couldnt find one 😈)

Once I finish dressing up, I look in my mirror and fluff my hair before heading out into my car.

Dave told me to meet him in the Walmart parking lot? It was weird but I did it.

When I went to the parking lot I saw a bus and then saw Dave come out with a black turtle neck, some black pants, and some decent shoes.

Once he noticed me he ran over to my car, once he was there he was out of breath.

"Hey Y/n!" He hops into the passenger seat and smiles at me.

"Hey Dave, wheres the place you wanted to go to?"

"Oh uhm, so ya know (area 😱)?"

"Oh yeah that cute daisy field?"

"Yeah uhm, thats the place I wanted ta go with yer haha!"

I give him a sweet smile and I begin to drive there.

It was pretty silent, I decided to start up a conversation. "I.. I like your fit."

"Awh shucks, thank you darlin', ya outfit is pretty nice if I do say so myself!"

I chuckle before parking, the good this was that nobody was there.

"So its just us?"

"Aint that good?"

"Yes! I didnt mean it in a bad way haha-"

He cups my chin and blush crept onto my face and nose.

"Yknow, you're pretty cute up close."

My eyes widen and a back away, "I- uhm, t-thank you.." I begin to play with my hands. (A/n: Also im demonstrating what usually happens to me when I get flustered 😭)

"Im so sorry Y/n! I-I didnt mean to get close to ya!"

"Its alright, thank you for the compliment.."

He gives me a soft smile before grabbing my hand softly and leading me to an area, it had beautiful flowers around it, a blue lake that seemed to be glowing and beautiful trees around it.

"Oh my, Dave, this is beautiful!"

"Im glad ya like it darlin'!"

He sits down infront of a tree and I sit down next to him, I didnt even notice we were sitll holding hands.

"Where did you even find this place?"

"I explore alot when im bored-"

"Thats cut- I MEAN THATS REALLY NICE!" I say.

×Daves(Willys 😱) Pov×

'Did.. Y/n almost call me cute-? Naur im probably just spacing out..' I thought to myself.

"It is pretty nice Y/n, matter of a fact its awesome.."

I spoke it in a calm country accent so Y/n couldnt tell that I was faking it.

When I came to the pizzeria I didnt expect Philip or Y/n to still be working here..

But ay, I missed Y/n alot. Im glad to see them after 2 years.

"Hey uhm Dave?"


"I wanted to say this earlier but uhm, you remind of.. Someone I used to know."

My eyes widen and a drip of sweat roles down my face.

"Who.. Who is this person that I remind you of?"

"He was an old friend, his names William Afton, im pretty sure he had a middle name but I dont know wat it was."

"Oh, what was he like-?"

"He was short, usually very grumpy and bossy to others.. I considered him a friend at the time. I did have a bit of a crush on him though." They were basically confessing to me.

My heart starts to beat faster, "I dont know where he is right now, but I hope hes alright.." They look at me, "Yknow?"

My face heats up after hearing that information.

"He sounded uhm, shitty?"

"Yeah.. but I liked that about him-" They giggle, I loved them so much, their hair was beautiful, their eyes were magnificent, oh and their lips, they were perfect...

I realize I was staring at Y/n for a while and look away quickly before they noticed.

The sun began to set, we watched the sunset together, chatting about who knows what.

We waited for the sun to fully set and it was about 10PM.

"Well, I got to get home Dave for my sister shes probably awake from her slumber.."

"Awh alright, I can walk home-"

"No, you're getting a ride back, you dont know what weirdos are out there Dave."

"Awh, thanks darlin'!"

"No problem, now hop it."

I get back into their car, we talked the whole way back to Walmart.

Once Y/n parked in the Walmart parking lot they paused for a moment.

"Yknow, this might sound silly but. William REALLY loved bread- he would get it everytime he would go to Walmart."

'They know my favorite snack!?' My eyes widen. My cheeks begin to heat up, "Ill see you tomorrow.. bye y/n!"

"Bye Dave!" They give me a soft smile and I head back into the love bus, My brother and his boyfriend were inside watching a movie together.

"Who was that person parked in the lot?" My brother Vincent says.

"It.. it was Y/n-"

"Wasnt it that person you would talk about every single day and say how perfect they were?"


"Sorry lil' bro, Scotty is already asleep, you should get some rest too.

I cringe at the nickname he gave his stoopid litol boyfriend.

"Woteva." I walk to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, taking a bath and heading to bed. (ALSO I LITTERALLY LOVE HYGIENE SO I MADE HIM TAKE A BATH 🙄)

×Y/ns Pov×

I felt so amazed at what happened, that place felt amazing, it really helped me with all the stress after finally telling someone about William.

When Dave applied for the Pizzaria, the first thing that made me think about William was his eyes. The same eye color as Williams but the pupils were different color.. Although one was dilated just like Wills.

I shrugged it off after reminding myself that he wasnt William.

Once I park my car and head inside, S/n was still asleep so i took that time to take another shower and then get ready to sleep.

Once I get in bed I huddle with (whatever u cuddle with 😈) and fall asleep immediately.

What an exhausting day.



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