18 | Festival (short)

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Alr soososososoos if you read the og chapter IM SO SORRY YOU HAD TO READ IT ISTG IT WAS SO CRINGE I ALMOST DIED... Anyways this is gonna be way better than the last chapter AND YES I DELETED I HATED IT SM..

Also I want to mention that Y/n in the book is 5'7 AND YES THATS TALL, I'm 5'0/5'1 irl lol and Dave Miller is using platforms to make him look bigger


Anyways back to the story 😈😈😈


- Y/ns Pov -

Apparently the group Phil, Dave, Jeremy, and Joan had to go to another Employee bonding trip.

Phil drives into the parking lot and settles the car down before me all walk out.

Phil spots a horse, "Look Mr.Miller! You said you like horses right?"

"Oh.. sure... heheh of course..!"

We walks over to the horse pridefully,, "Ya see, back in Texas we used a very specific method of horse tamin'."

He grabs the horses tail while pulling on it, "First-" All of a sudden the horse slams its back legs making Dave fly on the floor.

I cover my mouth trying to not let out my laughter while Joan and Jeremy already laughing their asses off.

Joan and Jeremy walk off together, I stay with Phil and Dave.

We go to multiple stands, Phil didn't win anything yet neither did I or Dave.

At one stand he finally wins something, "I won!"

"You're a natural Mr.Manager."

He looks over to Dave and hands it to him, "Here you go, to make you feel better for.. whatever that was earlier. Hey, she was probably in a bad mood! Those trailers don't particularly look comfortable..." Dave takes the snake before putting it around his neck.

- a couple hours later 🥺😫 / Dave's pov -

Me and Philip were sitting on the ferris wheel, Y/n sat at the bottom talking to Joan.

I look behind me and see the FBI Agents making out and start panicking.

"Crap.. I've lost my slipper." Philip looks at me, "Are you okay Mr.Miller? You look like you've seen a ghost.

"Uhah, yeah."

"We can get off if you wan-"

"No, no. It's alright, I actually qwoite like this..!" I say panicking a bit.

- 3 rides later -

"You sure you're alright Mr.M-"

"Yeah! Yeap, I feel as fit as a fiddle. I-Infact, I think that we've done enough of this employee bonding fer tha month we should get goin', doncha say?"

"Oh.. well, if you say so."

- Y/ns Pov -

While I was eating my cookie I look at Dave and notice he was sweating. "You ok?"

"Eh, oh I'm fione.."

(YES FIONE 😈 pronounced fio-iyn)

I hold his hand and it seems to make him feel better, he holds onto it tightly.

"Aw cmon boss, we've barely done anything! Jeremy still hasn't beat me in cola ring toss!" Joan says.

"Its getting late anyways, I'm sure we can do this again some other time."

"Awhh.." Jeremy groans before taking his top hat off.

"Cmon guys let's head back." We head back to Phil's car, I sit in the middle while Dave sits on the right of me, Jeremy sits on the left.

Jeremy shows me all the stuff he got and also told me about how he won the hotdog eating contest.

"That's so cool dude, I wish I went with you guys.."

"That's no problem! Maybe we can go out next week together if Joan agrees."

"Of course I'll go with you guys, I barely have anything to do during the day."

"Can I come with you guys?" Dave asks, Jeremy and Joan go silent.

"Its up to Y/n.." Joan says awkwardly.

"Sure, I wouldnt mind!" I say. "Where are we gonna meet up?"

"Oh, yeah I forgot about that.. There's this new arcade thing I saw while driving to work yesterday. I figured we could go there." Jeremy says.

"Oh do you mind if I tag along too?" Phil asks.


Once we get to the Pizzareia we all exit Phil's car we walk away from eachother.

- Nobody's pov 😫 -

You hop inside your car and start it up before hearing someone knock on your car window.

You turn your head to see Dave. You roll down your window.

"Whats up?"

"Darlin', can ya take me home? I don't feel like walkin' today." He gives you a small smile and you open the door for him.

"Hop in."

He comes into the car and sits down, you begin to drive to the love bus.

"I love that snake that Mr.Guy gave you, it's pretty cute."

"Not as cute as you~" He says smirking at you, you feel your face heat up and you look at back the road.

- 10 minutes later 😈 -

I stop infront of the bus, I turn to Dave before kissing him a kiss on the cheek, his face becomes red and I take notice of it.

"I- uh- goodnight Y/n!" Dave says before walking off.

I smile at him before heading home.

I forgot how to end a chapter 😭😭 *farts*

WORDS: 875

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