5 | Uh Oh

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Im feeling better today loll


×Birds Pov 🥶😱×

Mr.Boseman looks at Ivy, "Did you get any of my calls? I, uh- are they not already with you?"

"What do you mean? Are the kids not here?" She states nervously.

"I-Ill be right back. I need to make a call.." Henry walks into the office.

You and William just stare blankly confused with what you just witnessed.

You sigh, "Im going to go home, goodnight Will."

"Night Y/n."

You walk up to Mr.Boseman and put your hand on his shoulder.

"Mr.Boseman im going to leave for the night, im sure the three are safe. You too Mrs.Boseman, goodnight to you both."

"T-Thank you Mx.Y/n.."

"Anytime, night." He nods waving goodbye.

You walk to your car, grabbing the keys and starting it.

While you head home you sigh running your fingers through your hair.

'I hope they find them..' You thought to yourself as you park.

You get out the car grabbing your bag and coat, heading inside as quickly as possible.

You put your bag on the floor and jacket on a chair before going to the kitchen.

You wash your hands then grab a snack and heading to the couch.

×20 minutes later×

You wipe all the crumbs off you and walk to your bedroom, grabbing your clothes and taking a shower.

Once you're out you dry yourself off and put your clothing on.

You walk out the bathroom and jump onto the bed putting the fan on and snuggling (pillow, stuffed animal, body pillow, whatever u snuggle with lol).

Your eyes begin to feel heavy and you finally fall asleep.

×Next day×

You wake up in the weirdest position, your hair was a mess and you didnt really feel that good.

You called out and decided to take some pills and head back to sleep.

(Also im way to lazy to make the whole pizza hut part sooo I have a headache too. So ima skip to the part after the investigation thingy and how Boseman is a nervous wreck 😭)


You were sleeping peacefully not hearing anything.

"𝗗𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗞𝗡𝗢𝗪 𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗡 𝗧𝗢 𝗦𝗛𝗨𝗧 𝗨𝗣 𝗔𝗙𝗧𝗢𝗡?!!" You hear Mr.Boseman shout waking you up.

"Oh, c'mon now, Boss. No need to get upset."

"...What the hell is wrong with you?! You're a father arent you? How would you feel if this happened to your kids!?"

"Tch" he chuckles a bit, "Well, I wouldn't be enough of a moron to let that happen... Shouldn't of been so careless, boss."

He was starting to piss you off, you rolled your eyes at William.

Mr.Boseman begins to cry, "Atleast when Henry 'n I ran Fredbear's we managed to actually show up each day. Not like it'll matter much when ya finally give the company back to us. In hopin' thats what you came here for and not to waste my time with yer pity party."

"Will, cut it out this isn't like you." Henry states.

"No, no. Seems like bossy's got alot to say by the looks of it, and since you're so concerned about me.." Williams take a breath, "I'll have you know im grateful my brats are in one peice-"

Mr.Boseman clenches his fists before hitting william right in the nose.

Your eyes widen as you put your hand over your mouth.

William absolutely flabbergasted looks at Mr.Boseman and then to henry, his expression turns from confused to angry.

"HENRY, THE BASTARD TRIED TO KILL ME!! YOU PLAN ON HELPING ME CLEAN UP THIS SHIT?!!" Henry sighs before walking up to William, he places both his thumbs on the side of his nose and snapping them back in place.

"There. Thats all im gonna do for you. You're an adult, William. You can clean it up yourself." He places his arm on Mr.Bosemans shoulder, "I thought you were better than this, Will. I have no idea whats come over you lately. But... this isnt the friend I knew." He pauses. "I dont even know who you are anymore."

And with that, Henry walks away with Mr.Boseman comforting him on the way.

"What the hell was that." You turn to William.

You sigh and walk up to him, "Im only doing this because I dont want there to be anymore blood on the floor."

You grab a bandage and slap it onto his nose (WOTEVA IT WAS).

You grab a mop and a bucket of water before cleaning up the blood on the floor.

William sat down where he was just at and sighed.

"Im sorry Y/n."

"You shouldn't be saying sorry to me, you should he saying sorry to Mr.Boseman." You finish cleaning up the blood and grab a tissue.

You walk over to William and grab his chin making him look up at you.

You use the tissue to clean the blood all over his face.

A rose pink shade grew on his face as he looked the other way.

"Alright done, now dont get into anymore trouble I swear I will do the same thing Mr.Boseman did to you again, understand me?"


"Good, now go to your stupid parts n service room while I clean up the place."

He stands up and lets out a sigh of relief and heads to the room.

×A Couple Hours Later×

Mr.Boseman and Henry leave, Phil was in the office and William just walked out of the parts n service room.

You were taking a water break, "Hey Y/n, im gonna head home!"

"Ofcourse, ill see you tomorrow Phil. Goodnight."

You wave by to eachother, you grab your stuff before William stops you in your tracks.

"Hey uhm Y/n?"

"Yes William..?" You say annoyingly.

"Could u tell Mr.Boseman I was sorry? And that I uhm- didnt mean it." He was only doing it to make you happy, not Mr.Boseman.

You sigh and nod, "Sure William, will you not be here tomorrow?"

"Yeah obviously just at the end of the day, im going to talk with Henry."

"Alright uhm, goodnight Will."


I walk out before him heading to my car and driving home immediately and heading to bed straight away.

HI GUYS, im proud of myself fr writing a decent long chapter.



𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now