23 | Possibly Family

530 7 24

Hahahahahahhah I'm not ok lol


- Nobody's Pov -

You, Jeremy, and Fritz were at Freddy's alone. Everybody else left, you guys were just cleaning up the place.

Jeremy and Fritz were planning on hanging out after they were done. You didn't mind since you already had plans to go somewhere with William.

You begin to space off until you heard something get thrown on the ground. You flinch before realizing that it was just a mop.

"Ugh, this would be alot more easier if there were more of us."

"You said that Dave used to work the dayshift, right?"

"I'd rather mop these floors by myself than have him comeback.." He looks at me, "No offense Y/n!"

"None taken."

"You sure you never found out where he went?"

"No clue, but I wouldn't be surprised if he came crawling back."

"Hey uh, don't mean to interrupt but Fritz, you seem very interested in this. Is anything bothering you?" You question him, a bead of sweat rolls down his face.

"N-No Y/n! I'm just yknow, very qurious about things.."

You raise a brow, "Oh uh, now that you mention it you sorta look like him Fritz!" Jeremy stares at him for a good second before his eyes widen. "Wait, I think Mr.Guy has a photo, be right back guys!"

Jeremy runs off to his office, there was an awkward silence. He runs back with a photo in his hand.

"Alright I got it! Here take a look!!" He hands it to Fritz.

His eyes widen before he does that goofy ahh cartoon eyes move thing. 🤯🤯‼️

"AGH!" He says, rubbing his eyes.

"Woah! Holy shit, he did that too!"


"The eye thing! Dave used to do that too!"

. . . .

"You okay?" You ask Fritz, he nods.

"Was that the dude you were looking for?" Jeremy asks.

"Hah, what? Nope, no way. That's not him, not in the least bit!"

"Uh, let's get back to work." Jeremy nods.

"Actually um, I'm gonna head home for the night. Bye you guys-"

"Bye Y/n!"

"B-Bye Y/n.."

You walk out of the Pizzareia. You hop into your car and sigh. 'What if that's Williams son.. I've only met him once or twice but he really reminded me of him.'

You start up the car and head back home.

'I'll tell William about this..'

Pls I cannot write a chapter for the life of me... 😭😭

Words: 412

𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now