22 | Back to work

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-Nobody's pov-

You flutter your eyes open, as expected William was sleeping on the right side of your hip snoring.

"Morning William.."

He opens his eyes slowly and smiles at you softly. "Morning, dear."

"I have to go get ready for work, I'll be back at 8PM."

"O-Ok.." He starts to nervously play with his hands.

"You ok?"

"Mhm, you go get ready.."

You get off the bed before grabbing a pair of (clothing of choice 😍), you look back at William to see him knocked out already.

You walk to the living room, grabbing your bag and putting your shoes on before going to your car.

You start it up and begin to drive to the Pizzareia.

-At the Pizzareia 🤱🏽-

You park your car before walking inside, you see Jeremy cleaning the slushie machine.

He perks his head up and looks behind him quickly, his eyes widen when he sees you before a smiling form's across his face.

"H-Hey Jeremy!" You wave nervously.

He jumps on you and gives you a tight hug, "O.M.G, Y/N YOU'RE BACK!! IVE MISSED YOU SOSOSO MUCH!!!"

"I missed you too! Now please get off you're squshing me..."

"Sorry!" He let's go of me. "Oh and, we're getting a new worker today!"


"Yep! I hope they aren't like Dave.."

You raise a brow at him, "WAIT I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT!"

You giggle a bit, "Its fine!"

You both hear the door slam, you see a boy wearing sun glasses, he had brown hair, a red jacket with he number 87 on the right side, one hand in his pocket and the other holding his glasses.

"Oh, uh- Hey! You must be the new-" Jeremy stares at him while blushing, "guy.." You elbow him and raise your brows while smirking.

"Uh.. yeah! I'm new, am I too early?"

"No! No, you're cool, uh.."

You chuckle a bit while watching the scene, you look at Fritz. He reminded you of Williams son, Michael. You shrugged it off thinking it was a coincidence. "I'm Jeremy, and this is Y/n!" He says pointing at you, you wave at him.

"I'm fritz!" They both shake hands and stare at eachother, both blushing like crazy.

"Sorry to excuse this beautiful lovey moment but we have to show him around." You say, running your hand through your hair.

"Yeah, I, uh- Excuse me for a second.."

Jeremy fills a cup with a slushie before splashing it in his face. "Well, looks like we're gonna be working the day shift together you guys! Hope you're ready for freddy!"

You cringe, Fritz smiles at him softly.

Jeremy begins to show Fritz around, once you all arrive in Pirate Cove, Toy Foxy comes crawling down the wall.


"Don't worry! She's totally harmless! This is Toy Foxy, execpt we started calling them "Mangle", it's self explanatory. They had a bit of a malfunction, and Dave kind of made it worse instead of fixing it. But the kids seem to love the interactivity of scrambling her up, and he doesn't seem to mind!"

"Isn't that dangerous for the kids..?"

"Naaah like I said, she's harmless!"

Jeremy talks about the programming on Mangle, you space off before seeing Joan's motorcycle. When you turn back they were already gone, you shrug before walking towards the glass door.

Joan takes off her helmet and takes notice of you.

You wave at her and she waves back before walking inside.

"Hey Y/n!"

"Hey!!" You hug her and she hugs you back.

"I heard you were sick for a couple days, you alright now?"

A bead of sweat goes down your face, "I- Y-Yep! I'm fantastic!!"

She raises a brow, "Alright.." She suspected something, she knew you were lying.

Jeremy and Fritz come out of a hallway, "Oh! Come over here Fritz!" Jeremy leads Fritz to where me and Joan were.

"Fritz, this is Joan! She works the night shift! She occasionally comes in during the day if we need extra help!"

"Sup, nice to meet you Fritz!"

"Oh, uh- yeah, nice to meet you too Joan!"

"I'm still not even sure why we have a night shift."

"Hey, I'm getting paid for drinking slushies and sleeping on the job. Works for me!" She walks to the office, "See you guys, night!"

"Night Joan!" You all say. Jeremy talks with Fritz, you say goodbye to both of them before walking to your car and going home.

Once you arrive home you park your car, then open the door.

You look around to see William sleeping on the couch, a bowl of eaten popcorn in his arms.

You take off your shoes and change before walking back to the couch, you shut off the TV before grabbing the bowl and placing it on the counter. You wipe the crumbs off his stomach. Then you pick William up like a baby, putting him over your shoulder.

You walk to the bedroom before sitting down with William still on you, you grab (fav book 😈) and read.

-30 minutes later-

Your eyes begin to feel heavy, you try to wake up William. He flutters his eyes open before looking at you.

"Mngh.." He rubs his eyes.

"You need to lay down on the bed."

"No, this is comfortable."

"Please, I'm tired Will."

"Fione!" He lays om his side, you shut off the lights and lay down next to him.

"Goodnight Will."

"Night.." He lays down facing you while hugging you, his knees in between your legs.

You play with his hair, he snores silently while cuddling against you. You smile softly before falling asleep.

Actually, that was rlly cute... I HATE BEING SINGLE 😭

Words: 956

𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now