3 | Springlocked

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I open my eyes and immediately look at the clock, I flop back onto my my bed realizing it's an off day.

Once I fully wake up I hop out of bed and walk out of my room.

I go to the kitchen and look inside my fridge.

"No food.. I guess I have to go shopping. What a pain." I let out a groan and slam the fridge shut.

I call a taxi and head to Walmart. One I was there I hopped out and head inside.

Once I was inside I grabbed a cart and went straight to the snack section.

"Hmmm what to get.." I say rubbing my chin.

In the distance I hear something "OW! WHAT THE FOK!!" It sounded like William, I turn my head to the next aisle and see William rubbing his arm.

I go next to him and tap his shoulder, he turns his head to me.

"Wot do you want?"

"I just wanted to um, see if everything was ok?" I roll my eyes.

"E-Everything fine! Now uh, l-leave me alone!!" I chuckle, he has a slight rose pink shade on his cheeks and nose.


"Eh-? Can you repeat that."

I cross my hands, "Were you reaching for the bread?"

"Yes but I-"

"Here." I reach up and grab the bread before handing it to him.

"T-Thank you." He looks away out of embarrassment.

"Mhm no problem."

"Im gonna go now, bye William!"

"Uh, bye Y/n."

I sigh and walk out of the aisle, I grab snacks and food I need and pay before calling another taxi and heading home.

Once im home I stock everything into my fridge/cabinets.

After I finish I head to my room and go straight to bed.


I was sitting on my couch until I heard the phone ring, I go and answer it.


"Oh, uh- Hi Mr.Boseman."

"Ok so uhm, William got springlocked and I need you to come over since you're close to him we're at the hospital and the room is number ####"

"What?! I-Ill be there right away-!" I panicked a bit, before hanging up and put some decent clothing on before heading out.

I call a taxi and once I arrive I rush inside.

I tell one of the nurses for room ####, she leads me to it and I see everybody.

I stand next to Mr.Boseman and see Phil coming down the hallway.

"Sorry im late, Mr.Boseman"

"Philip why are you dressed like that?"

"Huh? Well, uh I only saw it respectful to...to dress like this after such a loss.."

Phil starts crying and I chuckle a bit.

"Philip you.. he..he isnt dead. You know that right?"

"*sniff* He-He isnt? But-"

All of a sudden the door slams and a kid comes running out, he looked a bit like William but I shrugged it off.

We walk into the room and William had a full body cast.

"Hey William... wasnt that your kid?" He says as he walks into the room, "Oh right, my kids have something they want to say right? Go on now."

"We're very sorry, Mr.Afton."

Then they all look at Jerry and he begins to cry.

"We're very sorry Mr.Purple guy... *sniff* I-I didnt mean to get you hurt.. I really am sorry. I-I hope you're ok."

Mr.Boseman keeps apologizing for his kids behavior. William rolls his eyes.

Cassidy and Gabriel walk out the room and everybody else leaving it being just me and William.

I walk over to his hospital bed and sit down.


He looks away before rolling his eyes.

"I, uh, are you okay? With that whole thing yknow.."

He puts his mouth in a straight line and sighs before writing something down.

'Im fine. ت︎' The paper says.

"Thats good!" I giggle a bit.

I catch a glimpse of his face he looked like he was blushing a bit.

He puts on a straight face and I hold his hand. (Peepaw had a big crush on you 👹)

×Williams Pov×

Y/n puts their hand on mine, my face begins to heat up and my heart starts beating faster. 'W-Why do I feel like this..?' I say to myself.

"You okay, you face is red?!"

"Y-Yep! I'm fine!" He writes down on the paper.

"Alright.. I have to go now, love you Will stay safe.." They let go of my hand and begin to walk out.

'Shit I wish I could speak right now!!" I groan out of frustration and then sigh.
'I hope they'll be back tomorrow.' I thought.

×Y/ns Pov×

I walk out of Williams room, everybody left.

I decide to walk home since it was still light outside.

I get to my house and flop onto the couch, I take out the remote for the T.V and put it back on.

I decide to take a bath

×After Bath 🥶×

I get dressed and walk back over to the couch, I grab a pillow blanket and watch the T.V.

My eyes begin to feel heavy and I fall asleep.


Words before edit: 901

Words after edit: 860

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