15 | X-MAS (short)

798 18 17



Y/ns Pov
10:59 AM

I sat near one of the tables waiting for Dave to arrive.

Jeremy and Phil were talking about knitting before two women come in screaming with gifts in their hands.

I stand up and walk over to Phil and Jeremy.


They say before coming over to me and squeezing me.

"I- yes, the one and only!" I let out a nervous laugh.

"I'm María and she's Giomar we're Joan's parents! She has talked about you alot! Ofcourse they were good!!"

"Its great to meet you!"

They both start greeting Jeremy and Phil with hugs until Dave walks in and everything goes silent.

"Ah, uh, this is Dave Miller, my employee! Mr.Miller, these are Joan's parents, María and Giomar!"

. . . .

"Nice to meet you.. Dave! You know, I don't think Joan has mentioned you before. . ." María whispers to Giomar. "O-Oh, right.. Well, it's good to meet you anyways.."

"The pleasures mine." He says before walking to over to the table and sitting on it.

María takes out a photo album showing up pictures of Joan when she was younger.

Joan walks into the room, "Sorry I'm late, I-" she looks up before noticing her parents holding the photo album and grabbing it from them.

"I told you to stop showing people that, on Christmas of all days!"

. . .

"Merry Christmas guys." Joan says sighing.

"Merry Christmas to you too Joan!" I say giving her a soft smile, she smiles back at me.

"So uh.. are we gonna open stuff now? I mean- Its not like I'm excited to show people what I got them..."

"I don't see why not!"

All of a sudden there was banging coming from the door, all 5 of us peeked put the door just to see two people barge into the pizzeria.

Dave and Phil walk out, me, Joan, and Jeremy just watch.

"Didn't anyone tell ya it's rude to knock on glass doors?!" Dave yells at them.

"Uh... were closed today." Phil says.

"That's no problem, we're here to do some *hic* investigating."

"Can it wait? It's Christmas day."

"Do we need to get a warrant?" The red headed girl asks the man. "Who cares." He says. "You'll barely even notice were here. *hic*"

We gather around the tree and everybody gives their gift(s).

Once it arrived to mine I got my gift and gave it to Dave, it was a pair of boots and a nice winter coat.

"I got it since yknow, you walk to work everyday and it's be freezing!" I smile at him.

"Thank ya!" Then he takes out a little box, it had a Bonnie plush inside.

"Awh, you shouldn't of!" I hug him and he hugs me back.

Phil walks over to Dave and takes out a mini box with that was Ted and had white lines on it.

"This is for you since yknow, I pulled on your earing at the race." Phil smiles at Dave and Dave opens it.

Dave gives him a smile. "Awh, that's real sweet Philip!"

"Merry Christmas Dave."


"What." Phil says concerned.

"You just called me Dave!"

"No I didn't!"

"You did, I heard it!"

. . . .



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