☆ Part 1 〜 Introduction ☆

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    A disaster. My life has been a total disaster since I can remember. My mom hates me, I haven't heard from my sister over a year and let's just say that I am a really complicated person.

    First things first, I'm Kory, Kory Griffiths and I have some troubles with my sight. Some might say that it's a gift, that it's cool or that they're jealous of my "superpower" but it's not a gift, nor cool, it's just a burden. See, my vision is always blurry and the only color I can see is grey. Dark grey on top of everything.

    The only thing that makes it "cool" is that whenever I look at someone, of course I cannot see them clearly and I can't even distinguish their features, but they are outlined by colored light. Some people's outlines are red, some are green and I even saw someone one day surrounded by pink.

    A few years back, I did some digging on the internet about what these outlined colors might mean. I found out that they were representing the people's auras. So that's my cool superpower: I can see the aura of everybody.

    I've never felt like I belonged anywhere though and it's not only because of my difunctional eyes. Wherever I am, there's always this feeling of not fitting in the box that weighs on me. And school has always been the worst place of all. All these kids, judging, playing, screaming. The only place I felt safe was in a corner, protected from the eyes of people. Maybe they judged me for that, I wouldn't know, but it was always better than trying to talk to them.

    I've never quite got the knack of walking up to someone and just talk to them, try to get to know them better. I'm a lonely wolf if you prefer. Always in my own little world, away from the judgement and the reality.

    Creating worlds where everything is possible was the only I did as a child. I would imagine myself as a warrior, saving the princess from the dragon. But as I grew up, the worlds I created became different, they evolved just like I did. I would imagine being a powerful woman living the perfect life, with functional eyes.

  But obviously, these were only created by my overflowing creativity. Nothing was real and it never will be.

    My life is completely different from everybody's. I do believe that I'm the only one with this type of eye problem. But I have to admit that it happened once that I could see clearly in colors, just like every normal person. When it happened, I tried to embrace that moment, I didn't know for how long I'd be able to see like that. It's only later that I understood that my vision got normal only when I was extremely happy. And that moment happened when my older sister came to visit me.

    We have a sixteen year age gap so it's been a long time since Esther moved out. She now lives at eight hours away from where I live, I can tell you that we rarely see each other. Since my young age, I've considered Esther like my best friend. She was the only person who I could openly talk to and she knew all my secrets.

    I remember when I was just a kid, we would recreate my imaginary worlds in real life. She was the best big sister I could ever wish for. But yeah, she moved out and my life became even darker. I had never felt so alone in my whole life and little did I know, it got worse and worse.

    My best and only friend wasn't in my life anymore so of course I withdrawn into myself. My mom tried to be there for me, to make me smile and make me regain my sparkle, but she couldn't, no one could. No one understood. I had to do like I had always done: live by myself in my own head, away from the real, horrible world.

    After a few years of being away living her own life, Esther came back to visit us for a week. And I can assure you that I enjoyed every little bit of it. I had to, I didn't know when would be the next time I'd see my sister. We went to the amusement park, we bought ice cream, we went to the water slide park, in fact, we did what every normal people do during summer.

    And one day, while we were watching a movie at the drive-in, my vision started to change. I could clearly see what was on the big screen and most of all, everything wasn't grey anymore: I could see colors, real colors. Not only the colors I see around people, but also a whole range of color tones. I was so amazed!

    Unfortunately, everything good has to end somehow and I lost this clear vision when Esther left us to return to her house. Then, everything went grey and blurry again. My mood dropped, I was always annoyed at every little thing. My mom felt it, she saw it. Again, she tried to make my happiness come back, but she wasn't the person that could make me happy.

    Like I said, she can't and she will never understand me, even with her greatest will. This world is just not made for me, there's nothing I can do to change that. I have to adapt myself to everybody else, to this environment that I can't seem to tame.

    After a couple of months without any contact with my sister, I started to wonder if something bad had happened. I had tried calling Esther or sending her text messages, but she never answered or texted back. It was like she had totally disappeared, like if she never existed.

    I didn't understand at first, why would my own sister ignore me when she knew I needed her in my life? It came to my attention later that maybe I was too much for her. It was fun while it lasted, when she was still living with us, but now she has her own life. And maybe having to take care of her younger sister isn't amusing her like it used to.

Hi! So this is just the chapter to make you understand who is Kory and what's her life like. It's also a pre-taste for the big problem so it might not be so interesting, but stick with me and I promise that the best parts are yet to come! I really don't know where I'm going with this story, I've written a few chapters, but we'll see!
M <3

When Grey Met Colors - Cordelia Goode Where stories live. Discover now