☆ Part 8 〜 The office ☆

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After Zoe and I come back inside, I rush to Cordelia's office and like I thought, she is there, I hear her hum inside. I knock on the door and she invites me in, but as I open the door, I see her gaze changing from neutral to surprised. I step inside and close the door behind me as Cordelia gets up from her chair and takes off her glasses to put them on top of her head.

    Without thinking about it more, I pitch my sketchbook and my pencil on her desk and walk dangerously in her direction, the smile on my face only growing bigger. I wrap my arms around Cordelia's shoulders, leaning a little on her and her expression of incomprehension just drives me insane!

"I thought you said we shouldn't be doing that?" Cordelia asks as a smirk appears on her face, her hands sliding up my thighs to circle my lower back.

"Well, I changed my mind. I want you, you want me, we shouldn't waste this, am I right?" Cordelia bites her lower lip, her gaze dropping and her head shaking. She then looks back up at me, her pupils dilated.

"That'd be such a shame." Cordelia says playfully, bucking her hips so that our bodies are touching.

I don't need anything more to literally attack Cordelia, my lips crashing onto hers, my hands squeezing every inch of her body I can. From her arms to her breasts to her ass... Cordelia's head falls back allowing me some space to work on her neck. I lift the other woman to make her sit on her desk, spreading her legs and standing in between them.

    I kiss and gently bite Cordelia's neck, her soft, muffled moans echoing in my ears, her hands holding on the tissue of my t-shirt for dear life. I start unbuttoning Cordelia's cream shirt, but before I can reveal what I really wanna see, the Supreme stops me and whispers in my ear "Why don't we continue this in my bedroom. No one would disturb us." I look at her up and down, licking my lips as I feel the urge to kiss this woman again.

"Would it be such a problem if someone were to come in right now?" As the words leave my mouth, I cup Cordelia's centre with my hand, pressing harder to have the pleasure to see her face contort. Incapable to resist, the blond woman closes her eyes and bites the inside of her cheek, lifting her hips a little.

Just when Cordelia is about to moan, I remove my hand from her centre, backing up a little before I walk to her office's door and lock it. I hear her groan of dissatisfaction and it makes me smirk. I return back in front of Cordelia, this time my hand sliding inside the woman's trousers and panties.

    As my fingers touch her clitoris, Cordelia can't keep it inside, she moans without restraint, her hand covering her mouth at the last instant. I continue to play with Cordelia's bud, the blond woman wrapping her arms around my shoulders and hiding her face in the crook of my neck, my thick hair muffling her moans. But when I enter a finger inside of her, her nails dig deep inside my skin and her lips come crashing on my neck, my hair blocking her skin to touch mine.

    I feel my body vibrate with Cordelia's moans, her hips riding the second finger I just added. She's close, I can feel it and before the Supreme can reach the summit, her head falls back once again and her body moves faster against my hand. With my other hand, I rub her nipple over her shirt and bra, but it still affects her, her last moan being louder and lasting longer.

When Cordelia's high is over, the woman collapses on me, her legs shaking a little against mine. We stay like that for a while, Cordelia's chest rising and falling at a regular pace against my torso. After a couple of seconds, the Supreme gets down from her desk, but I have to hold her tight as she is not really stable on her legs yet.

She straightens her clothes and button up her shirt before she finally looks at me, her gaze hungry and satisfied. With one of her hands, Cordelia takes one of mine and with the other, she passes it through her hair, scoffing and smiling.

"That was... amazing!" The Supreme finally says, squeezing my hand slightly.

"Aren't you scared that someone might've heard you?" I ask teasingly, a devious smile on my face. Cordelia's cheeks redden a little, her smile fading. "I'm teasing you Cordelia, I don't think you were that loud... I hope..."

"In any case, I don't care. I don't have to feel bad for having some pleasure with someone special." I literally die inside when Cordelia winks at me. She's so hot! "I'm not ready to let you go yet..."

"You don't have to. We could stay here for a while, continue what we just started..." My cheeks hurt from smirking so much. I only have one thing in mind and it's to see the Supreme naked on top of me.

"You have such a dirty mind Kory!" I hear Cordelia say, but then I notice that her mouth hasn't moved, I heard her in my head. I must've made a funny face because Cordelia explodes in laughter, squeezing my arm along the way.

"You can't do that, that so unfair! Get out of my head!" I think, knowing damn well that Cordelia will hear me. Her only response is a shake of the head, a proud smile on her face.

"Why don't we make this wish of yours come true, huh? What do you think?" I have to restrain myself from not nodding desperately, but still, my enormous grin didn't help to hide the fact that I'm craving her touch.

And with that, Cordelia jumps on me, ripping my clothes off my body.


The next morning, I wake up in Cordelia's office, my naked body only covered by a blanket. I sit up on the couch, my eyes trying to adapt themselves to the light of the day.

    When I can finally distinguish where I am, I see Cordelia at her desk, a cup of coffee in her hands and she's looking at me, a smirk on her face. She's all ready for the day, her makeup is done, her sandy blond hair are waved and she's wearing different clothes than the day before. I look around and see my clothes dispersed in one corner of the office.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Cordelia says with her usual honeyed voice. She gets up from her chair and comes sit next to me, offering me the cup of coffee she has in her hands. I thank her and take a sip before I give it back.

"What time is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes and maybe - just maybe - accidentally moving my leg to the left to make it touch with Cordelia's.

"Around nine thirty." Cordelia puts the cup of coffee on the coffee table before her hand comes sliding up my thigh. I inhale deeply and just enjoys the touch of the blond woman. Her hand disappears under the blanket and it's dangerously close to my centre. "Do you have anything planned for today, I was thinking we could maybe go out..." Cordelia's fingers are at a millimetre away from where I need them to be "or we could stay here..."

"As much as I would like to do everything you have in mind," I force myself not to grumble at the loss of contact when Cordelia takes her hand off my thigh, "there is someone I have to see. But maybe we could eat dinner together, just the two of us. What do you think Cordelia?"

"That would be nice." She says, a smile illuminating her face.

Cordelia gets out of her office to give me some privacy while I put on my clothes. When I have them on, I take my phone and start writing a message to Esther.

"Sorry for not responding before, I was busy. Where could we meet?" I write it, but don't send it immediately. There's something I don't like because I'm not sorry actually. Okay, let's try again: "Where would you want us to meet?" Yeah, that's more like it. I send the text message to my sister and her response comes almost immediately after.

Esther: "I was thinking we could go in this cafe we liked so much when we were younger."

Me: "Yeah okay. Around 12 pm?"

Esther: "We'll have plenty of time to talk then. See ya sis!"

Hey everyone! I know it's been a really long time since I last updated, but my mental health was just really bad, even if this chapter was sleeping in my drafts, I just couldn't post it. I don't know if I'll update regularly, maybe not as I'm not currently writing, but please bear with me, I love this story a lot and I'm really excited for you to read the rest. Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and I love you!!
M <3

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