☆ Part 5 〜 The Girls ☆

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When I wake up, the day is already well started. I look at the time on my phone: 12:11 PM. I observe my surroundings to familiar myself with my new bedroom and I realize that my sight returned to normal. I can only see grey shapes around me. My mood drops, I really thought the colors would stay longer.

    I get out of bed and I take my bag with me to the bathroom to take a shower, change my clothes, brush my teeth and do my hair. Before I start all that, I notice that there's a door opposite from mine. It's probably where all the towels and shower products are, I think, but when I open it, I see a bedroom looking exactly like mine.

    Oh, so I'm sharing my bathroom with someone else according to all this mess on the floor. I close the door and lock it in case its owner comes to need the bathroom. I wouldn't want a stranger to see me naked while I'm taking my shower. After I'm all done, I get out of the bathroom and as I am walking to my bedroom's door, I notice a lilac, square shaped paper with something written on it. I crouch down to pick it up.

"If you are hungry, you can serve yourself in the kitchen, make yourself at home! I might be teaching when you wake up, so I'll come see if you're awake when I have some free time.

Cordelia x"

Yeah, now that I'm thinking of it, I'm quite hungry! I slip the note in the side pocket of my leggings and I head downstairs ready to lose myself in this big house to find the kitchen. As I am walking towards a big open room, I hear a pretty pissed voice say: "Who's the bitch who locked my door to the bathroom?!" Oh shit, I forgot to unlock the door after I used the bathroom. Or maybe she tried to open the door when I was in the shower...

    Ishh, that girl seems really angry and mean when you do something that annoys her. I enter in the room in question, appearing from nowhere, only to be met with five women sitting at the table ready to eat their lunch. "That must be me, I'm really sorry." All the five pairs of eyes turn in my direction, all more surprised except for one person who is the one who lightens my world since yesterday.

    There's also an old woman with ginger hair who seems to know who I am and what I'm doing here if I look at the soft smile painted on her face. Cordelia gets up and walks up to me, taking my hands in hers when she's close enough. Her grip is light and I'm immediately met with a familiar feeling of comfort when I see the smile Cordelia greets me with.

"And who's that Cordy?!" It's the same girl who I share a bathroom with who said that. At this comment, Cordelia's face expression changes from sympathetic to annoyed. She composes herself before she turns around to introduce me to everyone.

"Girls, this is Kory, she'll be joining us, so please, be kind to her." I feel like the last part of that sentence was directed at that blond pissed girl.

"Oh great, so now I'll have to share my bathroom with her?" Ouch, what's the matter with this girl? Immediately arrived that there's already someone hating me. I couldn't have made a worst first impression, that's nice. As soon as I think that, I remember Cordelia can listen to my thoughts and to reassure me I guess, she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Maddison! Please, I said be kind, I expect you to behave well towards Kory, I want her to feel at ease with us. Can I count on you to do that?" Cordelia's tone was severe, but it didn't seem to frighten Maddison more than that. She just rolls her eyes and grumbles something that is akin to a Yes. The blond haired woman turns back in my direction, a kind, warm smile gracing her features. "Kory, this is Zoe, Maddison, Myrtle and finally, Queenie. Would you like to join us for lunch?"

"Yes. It'd be a pleasure!" Cordelia guides me to an available seat between two girls, her hand pressing on my lower back. Before Cordelia sits a the end of the table, she disappears into the kitchen, leaving the dining room in a long, awkward silence. Everybody is looking at me, studying every single one of my movements.

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