☆ Part 10 〜 The date ☆

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"You ready?" Cordelia asks, her hands covering my already closed eyes.

"Of course I am!" I answer, the excitement building up inside my stomach.

    It's been a couple of days since Esther dropped the bomb of the whole I'm-your-mother thing and since, I've spent all my days at the Academy with Cordelia, trying to get back on my feet after I learned that I've been lied to my whole life. This woman has really been a good support for me and I'll never be able to thank her enough for just being so sweet and caring.

I haven't heard from Esther since — not that I tried texting her anyway. I think she wants me to make the first step, giving me all the time I need to process. And I'm glad if it's the case. I'm not mad at her, far from that, I just need time. And she knows it.

The only thing I can't wrap my head around is the thought that my mother (grandmother) is gonna get away with all these years of lying and disrespecting her own daughter. I just don't get it how she lives without having any remorse. When I'll be ready, I'll have a talk with her about that. She has to know my thoughts about this whole situation and I won't let her persuasive nature convince me that it's nothing.

But for now, I have to focus on my date with Cordelia, the one we were supposed to have the day I learned everything.

"Ta-daaa!!" Cordelia sings, removing her hands from my eyes.

We're in the greenhouse and it's all decorated, all cozy for the night, for the both of us. There are a lot of candles and it smells incredibly good. The big amount of plants, the perfumed candles and all the food just creates a good mix for my nostrils. Most of the dishes are on the table in the middle of the room, but there's a small amount that is on the floor, on a rectangular, dark purple blanket. There's also two dark blue cushions on the floor, both of them having constellations as pattern.

"Wow, Cordelia- I don't have the words, it's... thank you so much!" I jump in Cordelia's arms, hiding my face in her neck, my hands reaching for her sandy blond tresses. She holds just as tight and leaves a bunch of kisses on my head before she moves to my neck. Her kisses tingle me so I giggle and get my head out of its hiding place.

"I'm happy you like it. I would've been offended if you didn't." I stick my tongue out like a child before I take her hand and force her to sit down with me. Like a child on Christmas morning, I look at all the food trying to decide what I'll taste first.

"There's too many food, I don't think we'll be able to eat everything D!" I say, both of my hands on my cheeks like if it were the end of the world. Cordelia is amused at how childish I'm acting, but I have to say that I'd do everything to see her smile like that.

"Well, we'll give the rest to the girls then. Here, start with that." Cordelia hands me a bite of sausage wrapped in cheese-stuffed bacon and I eat it from her fingers, touching her skin with my lips. Mmh, this is so good. She's so talented in the kitchen!

"I'm also talented in the bedroom, but that's for later sweetie." Cordelia says winking at me and I almost chock when I remember that she has the ability to hear my thoughts. Damn D, you can't tease me like that!

    Another wink from Cordelia. Another gulp from me. This woman is so freaking gorgeous, I really can't look at her without wanting her mouth and hands all over my body. And I don't care that she has access to my mind! Better let her know.

Cordelia and I eat, talk, laugh and even kiss a little, all that in the peaceful atmosphere surrounding us. Like I thought, we couldn't eat everything, but around nine thirty, we put everything in Tupperware and after, in the fridge. We go back into the greenhouse, Cordelia planning to clean up but what she doesn't know is that I have a totally different intention by coming back here...

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