☆ Part 4 〜 The Academy ☆

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"You know that you have to open your eyes to see where you walk, right?" Said Cordelia mockingly trying to put a friendly atmosphere.

And pouf, back to normal, again. Ughh, why can't I see clearly like everybody else? The green light grows back around Cordelia's grey form as she crouches down to take my bag.

"Yeah..." I sigh trying to keep the image of Cordelia's colored features fresh in my mind. But it's slipping away as fast as a shooting star flying from one side of the sky to the other.

"Is everything alright Kory? You seem a bit.. I don't know, sad?" I feel a hand pressed on my shoulder as I nod, avoiding Cordelia's gaze.

There's no way I tell her what changed my mood- Oh right, she can listen to my thoughts, fuck!

I nibble the inside of my cheek afraid that Cordelia is gonna attack me with what I've thought. But when I turn my head to look a her, she is smiling reassuringly like if she knew it's best not to insist with me right now. With a move of the head, Cordelia makes me understand that we can resume our walk so I get into movement.

A few minutes later, we arrive in front of a metallic gate and on one of the post fences made of light bricks, there's a plaque and it reads "Miss Robichaux's Academy for exceptional young ladies". So, I guess that's where the witches in training are reassembled, I think finally seeing the big, light mansion that is behind the gate. It's really a nice house, all light - probably white - Victorian, with balconies.

Without any warning to one another, Cordelia and I both walk through the gate at the same time and we make our way to the front door. Cordelia opens the front door for me and for my surprise, I feel her hand delicately positioning itself on the lower part of my back, guiding me to enter. The hair at the back of my neck stands on end, swallowing thickly. This woman continues to make me feel various and pleasant feelings.

Once I set foot in this big mansion, I'm immediately astonished by the look it has to give. The inside is so clean and simple. Everything is light though, what hurts my eyes a little. It's so peaceful at this time of the day, when the house is still asleep and that the rays of sun are just starting to pass through the windows and bouncing against the walls.

I stay in the lobby, admiring what I can see from where I am. I almost forgot that there's someone beside me, having their hand on my back. I feel a chill travelling down my spin when I look at Cordelia and notice that she's already looking at me. Her gaze is filled with a comforting sparkle, the smile shining on her face only accentuating her soft features.

The older woman moves her hand from my back to my cheek, the back of her fingers grazing against it. A tingly feeling shoots through my facial's skin when Cordelia's palm is completely hugging my cheek. Just like a few moments ago, the colors slowly show themselves, bringing the portrait to life.

My mouth opens a little at this amazing spectacle that is the colored face of Cordelia. I will never get over the fact that this woman is absolutely stunning, especially with all these colors emphasizing her beauty!

"I'll show you to your room and then get the rest you need, you deserve it!" Cordelia winks at me, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, but I'm too stunned to say anything. I just stay like that, wide eyed, contemplating Cordelia's beauty. It's the first time I see colors on someone who isn't my sister, it's refreshing. I really could get used to it.

"U-uhh, yeah!" I finally say after I got out of my state of shock.

Cordelia guides me to a gigantic room that, apparently is my bedroom. I can't believe it, it's like twice the size of my bedroom at my mom's house! And surprisingly, my sight is still colored, so I can distinguish almost everything surrounding me. Apart from the fact that I nearly burned my house, this day could become one of the best I've had.

And this woman, the supreme, what is she doing to me? She makes me feel so many things. We seriously met because she dreamed about me? Why me, why not somebody else? I'm not special as far as I know. But somehow, she found me and I'm glad she did, she's the first person who I really feel understood by, after my sister.

She claims to know how to help me and I feel it deep in my heart that I can trust this woman. I don't know why, but I just do. I've never felt this kind of trust so powerful for someone before! I continue to admire what I can now call my bedroom before Cordelia puts my bag on the king sized bed that is supposed to be mine. She walks up to me and holds me at arms length.

"So, this is your bedroom. The bathroom is right over there, behind this door and if there's anything, my bedroom is down the hall to your left, you can come whenever you want and for whatever reason. I hope you'll be comfortable here, but I'm sure everything will go smoothly." Cordelia smiles reassuringly at me, her eyes wrinkling a little and the older woman squeezes my shoulders lightly.

"Thank you Cordelia, I feel so much better now. I felt lost under that bridge, but you showing up to me, I don't know how, but I just felt.. like I had found myself again. So thank you, I appreciate it!" My smile grows wider when I see Cordelia shrug her shoulders like if it was nothing.

"Get some sleep Kory, you'll need it." Cordelia winks at me once again, her hands sliding down my arms before she leaves my bedroom, closing the door carefully behind her.

I let myself fall on my bed and it doesn't take long for the tiredness to win over my body. That night, I dreamed in colors what is something new to me. In my dream, there was Cordelia and I running through the tall grass in a meadow colored by different variety of flowers. I was happy, so so happy...

When Grey Met Colors - Cordelia Goode Where stories live. Discover now