☆ Part 3 〜 Her ☆

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    I walk in the streets for a couple of hours before I stop under an overpass. There is only a single street light to illuminate the surrounding area, but even with the help of this dim light, I can't see a thing. So I sit against the brick wall and I lean my head on it trying to understand what is coming next for me.

My mom doesn't want me anymore and I have no news of my sister. I am left alone in a world that isn't made for me and I cannot do anything about it. I just have to accept it and live with the fact that no one can ever understand me and what I had to go through.

It's unfair. Life is so unfair. Everything that happens, you can't do anything about it, you just have to take everything in and try to survive. Is that really the point of life? Try to survive every second you exist? Maybe I'm the only one who's supposed to live like this. But what did I do to deserve that? I seriously don't know...

    The cold wind cuts my body and I can only be angry at myself because I forgot to bring a hoodie. I open my bag trying to distinguish anything that could keep my body warm, mumbling some things to myself until I hear someone clear their throat. It takes me away from my thoughts and I turn my head in the direction of the sound.

Of course, I cannot quite know who is standing in front of me, but by the shape of the person, I can say it is a woman, not a teenager, but an adult. Her aura is positive, I can feel it, and it is a light green what can mean that she is compassionate or soothing.

The woman crouches down at my eye level and she tilts her head to the side, probably examining my face. She seems kind, her aura is sending me waves of warmth and reassurance. She clearly had a good intention by coming up to me. She comes a little closer and I swear to god that for a second, I was able to see the features of her face.

She has a soft expression and a gentle smile that can illuminate every room she sets foot in. The woman has silky waves falling gracefully over her shoulders and her gaze, oh my god, those mysterious dark eyes of hers... But unfortunately, this astonishing view soon returned back to normal: dark, blurry and boring.

"Hey Kory, how are you doing?" I finally get the chance to hear the melodic voice of the woman who seems to know me a little bit too well. I look at her wide-eyed, not sure if I really heard her say my name as she's crouches down to be at my eye level.

"H-how do you know me?" Panic can be detected in my voice and I recoil when the woman approaches her face a little too close to mine.

"We have much more in common than you could imagine, trust me." Why is she so mysterious? I raise my eyebrows still wondering how she knows my name and she must have understood what I was waiting for because she slightly laughs and shakes her head. "It might seem weird for you, but I had a dream about coming here and finding you. And I also know about the fire situation."

At these words, the blond shrugs her shoulders and I think I can distinguish a smile appear on her face. I hadn't noticed before, but since I'm with this woman, the grey of my sight is lighter. This allows me to see my surroundings better and by extension, to see the features of the woman a little. I take a look around before I open my mouth.

"And what did you say your name was?" She really took me by surprise, I don't even know if she is telling the truth, but otherwise, how could she have known about the fire?

"I didn't say it yet, but my name is Cordelia Goode. The Supreme."

The Supreme of what..?

"The Supreme of the witches dear."

"W-what, h-how..? Did you just-"

"Read your thoughts? Yes, absolutely." The proud smile painted over Cordelia's face perturbs me, in addition to everything she told me before.

Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming, I'm gonna wake up tomorrow in my bed and everything will go back to normal. It has to...

"Look, I know we don't know each other and that you're probably thinking 'Who is this stranger who knows everything about me?' but I assure you that I'm just here to help. I know you are lost right now, but I promise you that you are not alone. I've been there too at your age, trying to fight with this magical part of me that just wanted to get out. I can help you Kory. Will you let me help you?"

    What can I say to that? When a woman claims to know how to help me when I have nothing and nowhere to go, what can I really say to that? 'No thank you, I'll continue to walk around in the streets until I fall on the ground, frozen to death?' No, I can only accept her help. And also, deep down inside of me, I know she is genuinely happy to help me. I know it, I feel it in my guts.

So I nod, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips before I get up and take my sport bag. But Cordelia doesn't move, she just extends her hand and says 'Give me your bag sweetheart, I'll carry it.' I shake my head: she doesn't have to do that, it is not that heavy, I am good.

"No, you really don't have to, I can carry it for a little while." I thought I had won, but apparently Cordelia is more stubborn than I thought.

"Nonsense! You've lugged it for the entire night, if not more. Here, give it to me, it's my pleasure." Like if we had known each other for years, I just know that I cannot win this game against Cordelia so I give her my bag and I follow her as she starts to walk.

    We both walk side by side in complete silence for a couple of minutes. It's not an awkward silence, at least not for me. Anyway, I'm too busy trying to see where I'm going to bother finding a subject of discussion. So let me get this straight: this woman, Cordelia claims to be the Supreme of the witches? Is that even possible?

I think that if you would've told me that witches existed a week ago, I wouldn't have believed it. But now, after what happened at my house, I'm starting to wonder if I really know this world I live in. Look, after setting fire to pillows and being able to see people's aura, I think that everything is possible at this point.

But wait, if witches do exist, how come we don't know about it? Maybe they hide. Maybe there aren't as many witches as before. And how do you become a witch? Is it something that gets transmitted from generation to generation? Were some of my ancestors witches? So many questions at the same time spinning around in my head and they all stay with no answers. Too consumed by my questioning mind, I don't notice the small crack in the sidewalk and I trip in it.

    I don't have the time to understand that I'm falling that Cordelia lets go of my bag to rescue me. An intense twinge of panic shoots through my body until I feel the arms of Cordelia wrapping my stomach strongly and holding me still. I look up at her and my eyes meet with her owns, a twinkle of worry sparkling in her dark orbs.

We stay like that for what seems like eternity, panic rising in my chest, my grip on her arms tightening. I don't want to let go, I know I'm not going to fall, but I don't want to let go the only person who showed interest in helping me. I finally get up correctly, stabilizing myself my hands still holding Cordelia firmly.

The whole time, her concerned gaze is directed at me, she didn't look away for a split second. Slowly but surely, light shades of colors can be detected by my nonfunctional eyes. Now, I can see that Cordelia's hair is a sandy blond and that her eyes are a dark chocolate kind of color, almost black.

I stare at her bewildered, the colors just bringing the splendour out of her face. It's at that moment, at those small seconds of my colored sight that I realize that colors are the music of life. It brings everything alive, it's entertaining and it turns everything beautiful.


Here's Cordelia! And she's not going anywhere! I hope all of you guys are doing good and thanks for reading! It's really appreciated.
M <3

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