☆ Part 15 〜 The gut feeling ☆

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    All the recent events have drained me, the Stress Relief spell probably not working anymore because of all the anxiety I'm feeling right now. My limbs are shaking like they've never shook before and I have the impression that my heart's gonna rip my chest open because of how fast it beats. My breath is short and it doesn't take anything more to my body to finally succumb to its tiredness, my eyes closing by themselves and my head slumping inside the water.



    Sometimes, you just get this feeling, in your gut, that something bad has happened. Sometimes, you listen to it while other times, you don't. I've always listened to my gut, no matter how strong the feeling was, I always did everything I could to follow my hunch.

    But this time, when I got that familiar twinge in my stomach, I let it slide. I have no idea why, maybe I was too caught up with all the work I had to do... but I should've followed my instinct. I should've have went upstairs when I felt the need to instead of staying comfortably seated, my head full of words and uncontrollable thoughts.

    It's only after a good ten minutes that I finally decide to go upstairs to spend some time with Kory. I really need her cuddles right now and most importantly, I really want to take a nap in her arms, my head resting on her shoulder.

    As I take a first step, the same gut feeling I got earlier springs back inside my stomach, alarming me that there is really something wrong. Hastily, I climb up the stairs and I almost run into Maddison who was getting out of her bedroom as I try to reach Kory's.

    When I'm in front of the door, I take the time to knock, trying to be polite even though I feel it that it's no use. I wait a good never ending thirty seconds before I turn the knob and open the door very slowly, not-so-surprised to see an empty bedroom with no trace of Kory in it. That's when I truly start to panic.

    A thousand thoughts cross my mind: is she outside running? Has she paid a visit to the woman who claimed to be her mother for her entire life? She once told me that she didn't know how she'd react if she ever saw her again... Or worse: has she decided to leave the Academy, thinking that she doesn't belong here?

    No, this last hypothesis isn't what really happened, all of her things are still neatly folded inside her drawers. So where is she then? Looking around, I notice a dim orange light dancing under the closed bathroom door and for a moment, a hopeful feeling arises inside of me, soon replaced by a mound of fear weighing on my shoulders. Kory never would've have... right?

    Sadly, the few water tracks escaping the bathroom only increases my stress, tears watering my eyes as I'm imagining the worst. Without waiting another second, I collapse on the bathroom door, trying so hard to get it to open, but it's locked. "Fuck!" I curse out loud, my hands tangling in my hair and tugging at it as I force myself to remember the spell to unlock doors.

"Aperi te Sesamea!" I scream, a hand hovering the door handle before I hear a click, my clue to barge in the bathroom.

    As soon as I enter in the bathroom, I fall on my knees, the scene in front of me breaking my heart into pieces. The light is off and the room is only illuminated by candles, my poor little Kory lying in the bath, her head underwater. Not knowing how long she's been like that, I hurry to get her head out of the water, my hands shaking and water running down my cheeks.

    I keep repeating "Kory, it's okay, I'm here. Do you hear me sweetheart, I'm here, you can open your eyes now." I carry a still clothed Kory out of the bathtub to place her over my laps. If I'm being totally honest, I was certain that I would see a bathtub full of blood, but now looking at Kory's wrists, I'm worried she might've drugged herself.

    Submerged by a state of panic, I do everything I can to get Kory to be conscious again. Like an automatism, I place my cheek over her mouth and nose to see if she's breathing. She's not, I don't feel her breath on my cheek, fuck...! I then check if she has a pulse and she doesn't! I delicately place her on the floor and I start doing CPR.

    It goes on and on and on, and I feel my arms weakening, but I can't stop now, I have to save Kory! If this doesn't work, I'll have to use Vitalum Vitalis. After another minute of CPR, Kory's body starts to tremble uncontrollably and she coughs out the water in her lungs.

    Liberated to see her conscious, I put my hand on her cheek and with the other, I help her sit up, her hands grasping my arms for dear life. Her eyes look everywhere and she seems panicked, not knowing where she is nor what happened. In her mind, it's a real jungle, her thoughts bouncing in her head and it's hard for me to pick one to understand it. But I put my attention on Kory, on my love who almost drowned!

    For a good three minutes, we just stay seated on the floor, my hands cupping Kory's cheeks as she tries to catch her breath, her hands holding my arms tight. Her sight is set on my shirt, though I don't think she's actually processing what she's seeing according to her non-blinking and lost eyes.

    When Kory's breath is back to a regular pace, my girlfriend lifts up her gaze to look at me, her hazel eyes staring blankly at me and I hear her think "What the fuck happened?" I smile kindly at her, rubbing my thumbs over her wet cold cheeks before she brings her face closer to mine, making our foreheads touch.

    Sweet girl, she's shaking! Seeing Kory in that state, I wrap my arms around her shoulders and I bring her body to mine, trying to warm her as best as I can, rubbing her back and rocking her softly.

"What were you doing in here, Kory?" I ask, my voice as low as a mouse's squeak, my eyes searching for Kory's. When she looks up at me, I see a dark cloud blocking her orbs.

"Nothing important." She answers, her voice fading gradually. She hides her face again against my chest, her grip on my right arm tightening.

"My love... it must have been important if you almost drowned in the bathtub..." Hearing these words coming out of my mouth made me cringe, but that is the reality. My strokes on Kory's back slowing, I brush my nose against her wet hair, the scent of her coconut shampoo entering my nostrils. "Kory..."

"I just lost consciousness, I didn't drown..." She exhales, her head moving from the left to the right against my chest.

"You didn't even have a pulse, Kory!" Annoyed at how my girlfriend doesn't seem to care about her life more than necessary, I push her away gently, my hands holding her shoulders solidly and my serious gaze glancing at her. "What were you doing here?"

"I said nothing, Cordelia, you don't have to be worried about me." Kory's voice is strangely calm, with no emotion in it...

"Oh, sorry for worrying about the life of my girlfriend then. Next time she 'loses consciousness', I'll leave her alone!" My words come out more harshly than I intended them to, but I can't believe what I'm hearing: Kory cannot just not care about her life!

    After I say that, Kory's face expression changes to regretful, but when she's about to open her mouth, we hear a "Kory?" being called out from the hallway. "This conversation is not done." I think for her to hear.

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