☆ Part 13 〜 Tempus Infinituum ☆

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Two days after Cordelia delivered herself and enlightened me on what was her reality with her husband, Hank was gone. With what Cordelia told me, he didn't try to convince her to change her mind, he simply nodded and started to pack his things, like if he were only going on a trip. It wasn't painful, there were no tears that day, just relief and freedom. For the both of them. And for myself too by extent.

    Now that Hank is gone, Cordelia and I can go back to what we were doing before: kissing and dating. That's where we're at I think. For now. Every relationship starts somewhere and ours is only at the beginning of its journey. Now that I've found Cordelia, I'm not ready to let her go. And neither is she according to how many times she has looked at me during the past ten minutes whilst she was teaching. Every time, I could see her smile grow a little bigger. It was subtle, but still visible.

When the class comes to an end, Maddison raises her hand, waiting for Cordelia to give her the right to speak — which is odd, Maddison generally just speaks without waiting her turn when she has something to say.

"Yes Maddison?" Cordelia, as well as all the other girls, has a wondering expression on her face, but she still manages to smile kindly to Maddison.

"I did some research this morning-" starts the girl before I cut her off.

"Maddison Montgomery who does research? Where is she and what have you done with her?" I question mockingly, her pissed face bringing me joy.

"Oh shut up new girl, we never asked for your opinion!"

"I'm not that new for your information."

"Oh my god, you can't stop talking, can you?!"

"Girls! Please." Cordelia interrupts us, clearly annoyed at how childish we both act. I know I should regret it, but I don't. It's refreshing to see her in that position, she's not used to be the one to be teased. "So Maddison, what were you saying?"

"Yea, so, in my research, I learned that there was a power to travel back in time, but I didn't find a lot of information on it. I was wondering if you could tell us more about it." A power to go back in time? No way! Wait, that means that if I have it, my father could still be alive, I could save him!

Cordelia's smile fades and her eyes shoot a warning glare at Maddison.

"Yes, you are right Maddison, there is such a power. For so long, it was considered a myth in Salem due to the fact that only a small percentage of the witches had it. I grew up with stories portraying witches who tried to go back in time, but ended up dead. So that is why there isn't a lot of information about Tempus Infinituum." Cordelia motions us to leave the room at the same moment Maddison opens her mouth again.

"All that history is nice, but is there a way to develop this power?" Cordelia closes her eyes and sighs softly before she informs everyone except Maddison that we can leave. But I'm too invested in that conversation not to stay and hear what the Supreme has to say about that.

"You either have it or you don't Maddison, and trust me, if you had it, we would've known it."

"But how could you if only a small amount of witches has this power? I'm presuming you've never known a witch that had it, am I wrong?" I pitch in, being a full member of the conversation now.

"You're right Kory, but there are signs. I'm telling you girls, if either one of you start showing any signs of Tempus Infinituum, I'll know. Now, off you go, I have some paper work to do."

Maddison and myself leave the room side by side and once we're at the top of the staircase, the blond girl stops me and shoots me daggers with her eyes.

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