☆ Part 7 〜 The realization ☆

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    After I confessed one of my biggest secrets to Cordelia, I was afraid she would think of me differently. But she didn't. She continued to treat me the same way she had always did, with care and warmth. She kept smiling at me for the tiniest reasons, she kept being physical with me, she kept taking care of me... She is just the best. Because of her, my colored sight stays even longer than before. I see in colors when I wake up, during the day, when I go to sleep... All that because of one special woman.

As I walk past Cordelia's office, I hear whispers coming out by the cracked open door. Out of curiosity, I walk closer trying to distinguish what is being said. Cordelia is inside the office and I believe the other woman is Myrtle.

"Cordelia, dear, you have a sweet spot for her and don't try to tell me otherwise. I'm not blind." Myrtle says standing straight while Cordelia is pacing from one side of the room to the other.

"I... She's the sweetest person I've ever met and..." It's silence for a while and I wonder if any of them saw me in the crack of the door, but Cordelia finally speaks again. "No, I do not have a sweet spot for Kory. She is kind and I like spending time with her, but that's it."

"Delia... he's still around, you know that."

"Myrtle, it doesn't matter. We are only friends and it will stay like that, I'm telling you."

"And I'm telling you that there is something, a sparkle between the both of you. Even if you didn't ask for my opinion, I'll tell you anyway: you look much more yourself around Kory than him."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cordelia's tone is cold and distant and she stops walking, her arms crossed over her chest.

"You seem free and happy with that girl." I was about to walk away from the door thinking it was finally time to give them some privacy when I heard Cordelia say something that blew me away.

"I'm married! It's going amazing with Hank..."

    I have to leave, now.

    I walk away from Cordelia's office, making sure not to make a sound, and then I go in the kitchen where Maddison and Zoe are. I'm not really listening to what they're saying as I'm still focused on what I heard about Cordelia. This is so weird, Cordelia can't have a sweet spot for me, it doesn't make sense. We get along well, that's it.

"Oooh, look who it is, Cordy's pet." Of course, Maddison has to make fun of me every time I see her. Great...

"Stop it Maddison, we all know you only say that because you're jealous." I say back smirking, not even looking at her. I walk over to the fridge and take an orange before putting it back in its place.

"Oh shut up, you love it when I call you that. And I bet you love it even more when it comes out of Cordelia's mouth." I don't have the time to say anything because I'm kinda cut off by Cordelia entering in the kitchen.

    The room is quiet, Maddison looking a tiny bit guilty and regretful about what she just said. I just hope Cordelia didn't hear our conversation, but I guess it would only be fair considering the fact that I've done the same thing a few minutes ago. The older woman comes near me and grazes my left arm with her fingertips before she asks me if I can follow her. Maddison gives me a death stare, but I don't care, I smile at her before I turn to Cordelia and say that yes, I can.

The supreme brings me upstairs, her hand placed on my lower back, as usual. We walk all the way down the hall to her bedroom and once we're in, she closes the door. I'm kinda surprised to be honest, I didn't think it was so serious that we needed to be in a private place.

I just stand there not knowing what to do nor where to go while Cordelia is walking away from me, both of her hands holding the back of her neck. She finally turns in my direction and even if I see in colors, there's still a dim red light around Cordelia. I see it in her eyes that something is bothering her.

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