☆ Part 6 〜 The message ☆

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Half an hour later, I'm back at the Academy, more serene than when I left. I still haven't looked at the message Esther sent me, I just couldn't. I've tried to contact her for more than half a year and I tried to get some answers from my mom and it's when I'm forced to move out that my sister finally reaches out to me? No, I won't accept that so easily.

    I cross the front door of the big house I now live in and I'm surprised when I see Cordelia pacing in the hallway, her aura a muddied red. When she finally notices my presence, she exhales of relief and comes running to me. I let her circle my shoulders with her arms, putting mine on her back unsure of the reason she's so stressed.

"Is everything alright Cordelia?" I ask after the blond woman backed her head a little, her hands holding my shoulders solidly. Her eyes are searching for mine, her pupils switching from my left eye to my right one.

"I should be the one asking you that! You were so happy when we were in the kitchen and then you didn't show up in class and when I went upstairs to see if your were in your room, it was so messy, like if someone had angrily thrown everything on the floor, I... I didn't know where you were..." Cordelia's voice became quieter and quieter as she let go of what she had on the heart. I feel bad now, I had totally forgotten about the class.

"Oh Cordelia, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out. It wasn't..." Should I tell her about Maddison? "Walking upstairs, I received a text from my sister and it overwhelmed me so I created a mess by searching for my earphones. I just needed to run a little, everything's fine now."

"Kory... did Maddison have anything to do with your overwhelmed state?" Shit- right, you can listen to my thoughts! Cordelia gave me a desolate smile, rubbing her thumbs over my shoulders. "So..?"

"It's nothing really, don't worry." I wave my hand in the air signifying that it's fine and she exhales once again.

"Fine, I'll let it slide for this time, but if something else happens with Maddison, tell me, I won't tolerate her being mean to you." I raise my eyebrows, Cordelia's hands releasing my shoulders and joining themselves in front of her.

"I can defend myself, you know?" The supreme doesn't answer, she just looks at me, the color of her aura changing to a light blue one.

"So, your sister's text wasn't actually the reason why you ran out, right?" My gaze drops to look at the wooden floor, the sentiment I had earlier resurfacing progressively.

"No, that part was true though." I look back at Cordelia, a green light now surrounding her form. I hate it that I can't see her correctly, that I can only see her aura and not the beautiful colors that her face is composed of. The chocolate brown of her eyes, the sandy blond of her hair and the pink of her cheeks and broad lips... After a few seconds, I finally hear Cordelia's voice echoing in my ears.

"Are you okay?" Cordelia tries to take my hand, but as an automatism, I dodge her grip.

"Yeah. I feel great." I say with a fake smile. My voice is dry but I can't help it. Anything related to my family is a sensible subject for me, I hate to have to think about it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Yep, hum anyway... I'm gonna go in my room and clean my mess."

As I walk past Cordelia, I see her sad eyes looking absentmindedly in front of her and my heart aches. I'm sorry Cordelia...


Esther: Mom told me you weren't living with her anymore because of an incident... I really need to talk to you, do you think that would be possible?

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