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A note, 2022
I'm looking back at this, and... oh. Oh my.

Hello there, and welcome to a very impromptu update from the author... six years later. Wow. I cannot believe that I have been an ARMY for that long. And even more so I cannot believe that I have done this in the first few years of being an ARMY.

I am completely and utterly embarrassed by this work, if I can even call it as such, not gonna lie. 😭

But! For the sake of nostalgia and self-growth, I want to say something to anyone who stumbles upon this (or all my brave followers or anyone who found/enjoyed/enjoys this story, which I give you unending kudos for, thank you for stopping by) - writing is a beautiful, sometimes fickle thing. And in this season of my life when I was a new teenager, I guess I liked to rinse and repeat the same BTS jokes over and over in different situations for my enjoyment. That was certainly fickle. But I have moved on and don't write for BTS anymore. Despite that, I actually still really enjoy BTS. I'm simply not hyperfixated on them to write any more of this monstrosity. 😂

And so the season has changed! I am still very much deep in the fandom life and love K-pop, but I'm older. I've... become an adult. I've graduated and started college/uni. But have I stopped writing? Absolutely not. I think that I've found a bit more niche things to write about that I find much more, well, beautiful.

I've migrated to AO3, btw. Sorry, guys. I'm not coming back after this, haha.

I just wanted to say that I'm a little emotional looking back here after my writing and sense of boldness to post has changed so much. This blew up and still blows up my Wattpad account so much that I have to mute notifications. But truly, I hope that you all know that I appreciate the love and... lovely comments very, very much (not sarcasm, I promise ❤️). I am floored to know that you guys still find this work. Dumb or funny or good or bad as you may think it is, it's still something that I made, and it's a time in my little teenager life that I can laugh at and already look at fondly.

So thank you. Thank you for reading after all this time. And I want to encourage you that if you ever have works that you look at and say, 'good grief, what was I thinking?' ...it's okay to think that. That's a sign of change that you don't have to be afraid of for the most part.

Point is, I've been heavily considering deleting this for all the crude and awful and ridiculous jokes I made and the lowkey Koreaboo language I used throughout this thing, but I've ultimately decided against it. It's a legacy that I don't like and can delete, but I feel like that'd be wrong. I love being an ARMY, and this work at least reminds me of all the old BTS memes I miss. Like, can you guys believe that "you got no jams" is seven years old as of this year? Wild. I want to remember that every time I come back to this. And if you ever wrote something cringy like this with BTS as your characters, then I hope you indulge in those cringy memories, too. Because I've chosen to, and I think it's great.

Was this preachy? A bit. Am I getting old? No, I'm still a late teen as of right now and don't think I'll ever grow out of fandom life. But maybe. Fine, maybe I'm an old soul. I'm old. Do I regret making this sorry excuse of a story? ...No. No, I don't think that I do. I'm ashamed, but not regretful, tbh. 😂

So yeah. Sorry to get sappy; it's just been a long COVID summer nightmare since two years ago and I've been all over the internet lately and wanted to tie up loose ends here, especially after ending this work so abruptly.

Love you guys, thanks for the disgusting amount of views and likes/stars/votes (what are they called??) on this horrid thing, and really, truly, thanks for stopping by.

(I'm on AO3 under the name Kakerutori currently writing about the Dream SMP if that interests you, lol)


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