311 9 1

A/N: this situation seems familiar...

J-Hope: Alright, welcome aboard everyone. This is your captain speaking... Before I play the safety guide, I need for you all to listen to my new mixtape.

*intercom is accidentally on*
Jin: I AM HEARING NONE OF IT. I'm standing RIGHT HERE, J-Hope, and I'm making sure we can lift off without you singing Airplane NOR Airplane part 2!!!
Jin: I get to play with FIRE tho because I'm older.
Passengers: O_o

V: Everyone fasten your seatbelts; we're going to experience turbulence not because of the weather but because I forgot to turn around ten minutes ago.

RM: look at all these buttons I can sample for some new tracks!
RM: *presses self destruct button*

Suga: Planes have autopilot, why am I here?

Jimin: *silently laughs at those who now have to clean the wings*

Jungkook: Hey passengers, I'm going to have to extend this flight as I need to fly over every country in order to truly be international playboy once and for all. Sorry about the twelve hour increase, but a boi's gotta do what he gotta do.

A/N: thanks everyone for the love :) thought it'd be appropriate to end this on the God and BTS number, 7. Well, 77. So yeah, fin ~

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