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A/N: Oh, hey! HAPPY EASTER!!!! Enjoy resurrection and chocolate and candies and snuggle with Kookie in one way or another (Le bun bun xD), and happy April Fools lol but this update ain't a joke!

RM: Hey hun I wanna tell you something
You: yes?
RM: *kneels* Will you marry me?
You: *gasp* Namjoon, you-!
RM: that I can finally see ya tAKE IT OFF NOW GURLLlL JUST TA- (A/N: IM SO SORRY 😂😅)

Jin: Y/N, you know I love maself especially my face
You: Yes, Jinnie, we've been through this song and dance
Jin: But... I like your face too. In fact, I love your face. *kneels, blushing* Can we love each other forever?

Suga: *grabs your hands*
You: Hey, Yoongs. Whatcha doin-?
Suga: Just looking at your nice hands... specifically without a ring occupying the left ring finger...
You: Y-Yoongi-!
Suga: *lays down instead of kneels* Will you marry me?? Cuz I'm too tired to do life alone

You walk into a room of Christmas lights and a camp-like feel
You: Hobie?
J-Hope: *appears cinematically* I don't like the dark, and well a lot of things like snAkeu *cough* but I always feel so much better with you~
You: Hobie, you aren't-!
J-Hope: *kneels, grinning cutely* Will you be my wifeu? *ring box explodes with shiny glitter*

Jimin: *forces you to touch his abs*
You: Jiminie wthek
... why does it feel like you have one really square-ish ab-
Jimin: *lifts shirt up to reveal ring box* Will you marry me??

V: With this ring *kneels* I thee wed...
You: Uhhhhhh not the right words but, I do?
V: (*'∀`*) yeyey *boxy grin* I love you so muchu

Jungkook: let's go out to a park somewhere!
You: oke
Jungkook: *takes a bunch of pictures of you suspiciously*
These will make great wedding photos :))
You: Wh-what?
Jungkook: Y/N, you are the one girl I'm not afraid of. Will you be my wife? (*'ω'*)

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