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A/N: They're all together

(Story Time!)
Rap Monster: okay okay guys, so we've all watched a horror movie before, we should be able to survive this.
J-Hope: I mean it's all fake, right? Right? Right- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT WAS THAT???
Jimin: *laughing as he speaks* Hyung calm down I touched your shoulder
J-Hope: ahaha HA okay *faints*
Jin: *catches Hobi* great, we have luggage to carry. JK?
Jungkook: *comes up and grabs J-Hope, slinging him over his arm*
V: *slaps J-Hope's butt*
Rap Monster: You guys, this is serious! We're going to die out here alone!!
Suga: what are we even after? Or what's after us?
Jungkook: A chainsaw guy.
Suga: How do you know?
Jungkook: no idea, not like I've seen this place in a movie before, no, not at all..
Rap Monster: Oh, okay, great. At least we know that. But we need to get out of here!!!
Jungkook: Wait!! I think I hear something? *spins around.. with J-Hope's flailing arms*
Jin: *gets smacked by J-Hope* Ow! Ow.. *faints*
V: Huh?
Jin: *mumbles unconsciously* he wiped off my makeup.....
Rap Monster: Please, you guys!! We can't wait around!!!
Jungkook: *picks up Jin* so... heavY *faints*
Jimin: Oh, no
Rap Monster: ughh *stressed* ok ok y'know what? Maybe if we play dead then the killer won't try killing us.
Suga: sounds good *lays down*
V: Wait... I hear something loud?!
Rap Monster: TaeTae quick! Get down!! *falls intentionally*
Jimin: *heeds*
V: *starts dancing*
Rap Monster: *whisper-shouts* Tae that's not what I meant!!!
Killer: *was watching in the brush of the fields the whole time* the hek I ain't killing these idiots their brains seem to already be dead

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