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A/N: It's about time I try be more romantic and include interaction with you dear reader (^_−)−

Rap Monster: Hello, my name is
You: Yes, Namjoon, I know who you are.
Rap Monster: ahaha*nervous* What's 20 divided by 5 gurl ¿
You: 4
Rap Monster: you're the onE I'VE BEEN LOOKING foUr-
You: uhhh
Rap Monster: oh sorry sorry I uh *smiles out of control* s-sorry *blushes*

Jin: Hey
You: Annyeonghaseyo
Jin: *laughs* You know me, yeah?
You: Mmhm- Oh wait, I gotta go
Jin: *follows*
You: Wh-why are you coming with me?
Jin: Because you never walk alone
You: (>人<;)

Suga: *stares* *just stares*
You: *makes eye contact*
Suga: *nervously looks away, smiling*
You: Maybe I gotta make the first move ..

You pass by the room he's in
J-Hope: *glaces at you*
You: *notices it*
J-Hope: *flashes a little heart*
You: Aww >_<

Jimin: *drapes an arm around you*
You: Jiminie..
Jimin: oh uh hehe, ok I uh I want to tell you something
You: hm?
Jimin: I'm almost embarrassed, but I really hope that you like
You: (*'∇`*)
Jimin: my ab-
You: jIMIN
Jimin: me! I hope you like me cuz I like you ok gee >_<

Again, you pass by his class
V: *looks at you and makes it clear*
You: *turn to see him, a bit startled* good gracious *look away for a second*
V: *is in front of you* hi
You: AHH

Jungkook: Here, I made this for you. *hands you a small paper*
You: Aw that's sweet-
Jungkook: *disappears*
He's given you a lil heart drawing :>

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