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RM: I have a test tomorrow? Oops better study now *scans papers for a split second* done *puts on sunglasses and plays his jams*
Jimin: Hyung, we're inside, you don't need sungla-
RM: sO WHAT (BEAT DROPS) (A/N: I'm loving the new album 😝)

Jin: Ahhhh What you mean it's horrible, I love studying! reflection

Suga: *trigGered* is this what our generation is brought to? Thinking grades define our worth? Maybe we should close our eyes and live peacefully for once, and not worry this much about-
Jin: look out everyone he's inspired
Jungkook: iNFIRES?

J-Hope: studyeu is boring. Oh! I know! I'll make an iNTERPRETIVE DANCE FOR THE WHOLE THING

Jimin: *joins J-Hope*

V: *also joins in with dance but actually dies during war part*

Jungkook: 1+1=2, 1+2=3, eomma am I right?

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