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A/N: :)))))))))) this took a turn from my original idea but eh, enjoy (⌒▽⌒)

J-Hope: guys let's start a V-Live!!! *turns phone on*
BTS: *welcomes fans and that stuff*
J-Hope: *sings birthday song* Happy birthday to Bangtan, happy birthday to Bangtan!
V: cake?
Jin: yeah IK where is Namjoon?
Suga: Maybe he got lost
V: oh no
J-Hope: But I'm hungry
Jimin: We all are >_<
Jin: *hears door* IS THAT HIM
Jungkook: *enters* whoa why you guys staring at me
Jimin: sorry Kook we thought you were Rapmon
Jungkook: Rapmon-hyung?
Jimin: Yea he's out getting the cake?
Jungkook: I just saw him leave two seconds ago.
Jin: wHAT?
V: hungry!
J-Hope: Where'd he go?
Jungkook: He told me he was getting the cake.
Jin: What was he doing this whole time?
Jungkook: idk
Jin: well that's great. More waiting.
Jimin: Eh, it's ok

About twenty minutes later...

Rap Monster: *enters*
*all are around the phone still*
J-Hope: There's Rapmon!
Jin: What on earth were you doing before you left?? We waited almost an hour for you!!!
V: cake!
Jungkook: you took so long that Suga's asleep
Suga: *snore*
Rap Monster: Sorry guys I uh, wait an hour? Wat
Jin: You made us wait in this boring, hot room-!
Rap Monster: Hyung I
Jin: Was there really anything that important
Rap Monster: Hyuung
J-Hope: Is that two white boxes? One's really small-
Jin: that made us waste some time to-
Suga: *wakes up*
Jungkook: Oh my gosh
Jin: N-Namjoon! WE'RE LIVE
J-Hope: fudgefudgefudg- *tries to turn it off*
Jimin: everyone's commenting!!
Jin: O_O
Suga: *is still on the ground* well are you gonna answer him or not?
Jin: Oh. Well its too late anyways (excuses) YESSSs
Rap Monster: ( ' ▽ ' ) omg:))))) Happy Birthday Bangtan!
Jungshook: AHH
Jimin: oh my goodness
V: so when are we gonna eat the cake?
Jin: *happy-crying while dabbing tears* I can't believe this
Rap Monster: we've known each other for about five years now I think it should be official
Jimin: *cringing*
Jungshook: *is dying inside*
Suga: just eat the cake, I guess it's wedding cake now
V: I'm gonna blow out the candle before you guys still

So Namjoon married Jin on a V-Live - AU

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