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A/N: Thank you and shout-out to @Everybodysaynoxx lol for the idea for this chapter and for my "comeback", yeah the letter "I" is still broken (at least on Apple devices I'm pretty sure, exclusively?) So yknow wat if it turns out with weird letters please interpret 😅, because imma be like BigBang and say FXXT IT!!

Oh and, RIP Rap Monster, you were slightly weird to the public, but we loved you. Sometimes things must be out with the old, in with the new! Oh, yea, no Namjoon didn't die, yknow, I'm mourning the name change a month or so late. T^T

Last note: I'm dropping honorifics due to my attempts to stay non-gender specific. Alrighty then! Onward! >_<

You: Namjoon!
RM: Yes?
You: Please bring me-
RM: -Yes? *(dasi run run) runs to you, almost tripping over rug*
You: I was gonna say my phone, but yknow wat nvm

Jin: Y/N!
You: Y-yes, Jin?
Jin: bring me your finest mirrors!
You: Jin, this is my house.
Jin: When a princely individual like me is in it? Not likely! Go fetch me mirrors now! Make them pink!
You: whai do I still live here..

You: Suga!
Suga: ...
You: Yoongi?
Suga: ...
Suga: ...z...zz- huh? Oh, yes?
You: -_-

J-Hope: Are you hungry?
You: No thanks, despite being in that state normally, not right now, J-Hope.
J-Hope: How about your computer?
You: Well, I guess-
J-Hope: *places on your head* how about a jacket? A book? Extra clothes? *piles on you*
J-Hope: Oh! Where did you go, Y/N?
You: *muffled* help

Jimin: *actually does nice, useful things* hey, happy birthday, Y/N!
You: Awww, Jimin! With cute candles and everything! It smells nice... what flavor is it-?
Jimin: *smug grin* jam.
You: uh oh
RM: THE FORCE HAS BEEN DISTURBED *slides in and karate chops cake to floor*
Jimin: why me (>人<;)

You: Um, Tae?
V: *appears behind you* hi
You: gah! Okay, um may you please get me a glass of water?
V: oke
V: *brings a glass sculpture that looks like water*

Jungkook: I am at your service ;)
You: Yeah... can you please do me a favor and get rid of your hyungs?

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