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Rap Monster: oooH YEA DIS IS MY LAND :)))) *breaks brown brick blocks* (say that five times really fast)

Jin: (*^▽^*) *is in Bowser's castle* * Peach* Oh Mario! Save me! <3

Suga: Wait who am I saving? Jin? Okay then! *runs through with an awkward stride and sarcastic grin*

J-Hope: Lalala... lala- *Goomba hits him* AHHhhHhH *squishes Goomba*

Jimin: Wait! So I can finally grow taller if I hit this block and- *gets mushroom* Yay I'm tall!! Now- *Goomba touches him* ....~_~
Rap Monster: Jimin, you got no mushroom.

V: *tries to negotiate with the enemies*

Jungkook: *defeats Bowser* *saves Princess Jin* ...eomma?

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