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Happy 50th episode of BTS Scenarios! Woot woot! A gift for you, an upload and this pic from my heart to yours! 🙃❤️ Have some more interaction, wink wink ;)

You: *hands him present*
RM: awe, what's this? It's not even my birthday- *opens*
RM: ... Y/N, why did you give me pins, adhesives and pieces of plastic?
You: That's safety pins, super sticky tape and baby guards to you. Don't want you getting hurt :)))

You: *approaches him, blushing*
Jin: Yyyyeees? Don't be shy, Y/N!
You: I love you *hands present*
Jin: Y/N! Y-you really didn't have to- *opens* *it's a mirror*

Suga: *sees you coming* Please. Please don't touch me.
You: *drops a pretty light present in front of him* *walks away*
Suga: huh *opens* *it's a pillow*
Suga: 。゚(゚'ω'゚)゚。

You: *has box*
J-Hope: Oh Y/N~~~ Who is that for? *blinks rapidly*
You: its some stuff that shipped in ...for me.
J-Hope: Oh ok ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
You: *smirk* The bubble wrap is all yours, Hobie.
J-Hope: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡ YAYYAYy!! *squishes you in a hug*

You: *is eating jam*
Jimin: (*'꒳'*) ...Y/N, c-can I-?
You: Of course! I didn't know you liked this stuff-
You: *hands him a bunch of empty jars* enjoy :]]]]]

You: H-hey Tae! I have somethin for you!
V: yes?
You: *gives him a sizable box*
V: *opens* *its a cat*
V: *le gasp* purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *rubs heads together... with you*

You: Hey, Kookie! I have something kinda heavy, can you please help me carry it inside?
Jungkook: o-oh?
You: It's over there *points right outside to a giant box*
Jungkook: *rolls up sleeves* I got dis
Jungkook: *gets it inside in two seconds*
You: gEEz *cough* uh, it's new workout equipment for you!
Jungkook: *is happy bunny*

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