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RM: wAT?? I was supposed to sleep for 8 hours exactly, how did my internal clock and circadian rhythm not kick in properly, I even set three alarm clocks!
You: ...let me guess, you accidentally-
RM: oh yea I broke them

Jin: Wait a second. I've spent 3 and a half hours in the bathroom. Did I have something to do today? Eh *continues putting on facial cleansers* Wait, this is Y/N's... *realizes* well, hek

Suga: oops, I overslept. Well, I'm already an hour late, can't hurt to be an hour and a half.... *goes back to sleep*

J-Hope: *on the phone with you* Morning, jagiya! H-huh? I- hOLY HORSESHOES I FORGOT. I'M SO SORRY BABE HOBIE IS COMINGGGGGGGGGggGgGgG!!!!¡!!

Jimin: I'm really, really sorry I'm late hun... I was buying flowers for you and your favorite-
Jungkook: Jimin, wrong table
Jimin: oops *quietly*.... you'll do then, so as I was saying...
Jungkook: *slaps* JiMin I will bEAT you with my pacifier!!!!!
Jimin: ...oH, come on!

V: *runs into restaurant, out of breath* So-sorry, jagi, I *cough* I was busy getting some ladybugs off a plant.
You: awe, that's okay. You do you, I guess-
V: wanNA SEE? *holds up a handful of them crawling around his arm*
You: KIM FKIN TAEHYUNG-!!! ....they're beautiful

Jungkook: Super sorry, Y/N... I thought my tricycle would be fast enough to get here on time!

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