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A/N: out of ideas?? No, not me!

...also, brace yourselves for the puns

RM: the ones you tear off the months to (or is that all calendars... cuz I keep the pictures as is)
RM: how tear-able!

Jin: the one-dad-joke-a-day calendar..... thatonlycomesinpink

Suga: has pictures of disappointment to haunt y- STARE at you every month

J-Hope: one with his face photoshopped over horses and unicorns and flowers (^ω^)

Jimin: an entire workout session routine step-by-step, each step smashed into the calendar square frame, keeping the routine and you in shApe *ding* :D

V: *gives you a calendar from like 1985*
Me: wait, no this isn't what's supposed to be happening-
Me: ...
Me: Tae, do you know calendars change?
V: a year is a year right, 563 days, 25 weeks?

Jungkook: 2015. The pErfect February, specifically ;)) Ah, what a dated year.

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