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A/N: Remember that one mission when Jimin was the invisible one, or well, BTS was the opposite of theirs roles kinda? Well yea. That. Also I like dis pic XD and it's kinda like Jimin blends in so
Jimin is camouflaged in the story, not actually a ghost

J-Hope: Jimiiiiin?? Jimin?
V: wat why you looking for Jiminie pabo it's best he's gone
Jimin: :(
Jungkook: I want him back too
Jimin: (*゚▽゚*)
Jungkook: ...otherwise I have to tease Yoongi for his height, but I don't wanna be killed so
Jimin: ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Rap Monster: Everyone calm down
Jin: We weren't freaking out
Rap Monster: .... J-Hope, calm down
Jimin: I'd rather take Suga-hyung...
J-Hope: whazzat? I heard something!!
Jimin: oh no
Suga: What you must be deaf
V: I heard it too
Jimin: oh gawd
V: the food truck
Jin: WHERE *runs outside*
Rap Monster: *sighs*
V: wat
Rap Monster: Im going outside...
Jimin: k bai
J-Hope: SEE??? Did you hear it??
V: yes, I told you, the food truck is loud outside
Suga: ooooh I heard it
J-Hope: yea??
Suga: no wait that's you, J-Hope
Jungkook: guys stop breathing so loud and maybe we can find Jimin
Jimin: heheheh *walks up behind V*
V: something's on my neck
J-Hope: waht the hek
Jungkook: that's me, hyung
V: oh :P
Jungkook: :) *smirks*
*both leave*
Jimin: no that's not what I wanted >:(
J-Hope: you heard Jiminie didn't you Yoongi?
Suga: noep bye
J-Hope: (;ω;)
And Jimin bullied J-Hope as payback all day the end.

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