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A/N: I'm not dead!! Haha I apologize for being absent for... how long was it even? It feels like years T-T I'm so sorry but this thing still got reads like how ¿
Well I'm gonna be working to make a lot more today (hopefully) so yeah

Note: BTS will be... idk (once I was) 7 years old, and I'm not gonna be gender specific and so you choose whether you're a mom or dad y'know logic 😂

Rap Monster: Mother/Father, I am deeply grateful for your care to me over these past years and I must elucidate the fondness of my heart towards your actions. So for your loving onto myself, I will give you a token of my thanks.
You: So you love me, and I'll hang this..kinda ripped up drawing on the fridge.
Rap Monster: Correct. <3

Jin: EOMMA/APPA IM HUUuuUNGRy please make fOod or I can help you >_<

Suga: I wanna be a baby again.
You: No, Yoongi, you have homework!
Suga: *pulls out worksheet on time* *sighs* Well, I know how to read clocks already because I look at the clock enough to check my naptime so whatever

J-Hope: Push me on the swings! Let's play basketball! How about card games? No wait, I'll do some homework. Can we make a sandwich together?? I wanna know how to cut it in half. Dance class is soon! Eomma/ Appa?
You: *lying on the ground tired*

Jimin: I'm hungry... I kinda want something sweet?
You: Hmm.. a Peanut butter and jam sandwich?
Jimin: (^O^)
You: Oh, wait, sorry sweetie, your brother ate the rest of the jam yesterday.
Jimin: It was Namjoon, wasn't it (*'Д`*)

V: *hugs you from behind when you're working*
V: I love you I love you *jumping around the place*

Jungkook: *vigorously drawing*
You: Not too hard, honey, don't break all your crayons.
Jungkook: look, eomma/ appa, look what I made! (It's a bunny 。゚('ω')゚。)

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