Kaminari, Denki

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The month had been bright and only seemed to get better as (y/n) finally managed to convince Nezu to give his class a free day. He had been working on this for at least two months but he was finally rewarded yesterday when Mr. Aizawa announced it during class. "Hey (l/n)! Me and Kiri were headed to meet Bakugo at the start of some trail he wanted to hike, you in?" no matter how many times the boy had told his friend to call him by his first name it never worked. "I'll go if you start calling me by my first name rather than my last." his (e/c) eyes met the familiar gold ones and felt as heat slowly creeped onto his face.

This was stupid, the boy nodded towards his friend and waited for them to start walking. "Man, I wonder why Bakugo didn't want to wait for us, that wasn't very manly of him!" Kirishima started whining as they begin their walk over to their destination. It was pretty hot outside and (y/n) was starting to regret coming along with them but it was the only day off and Denki already had plans so there was no point in the (h/c)ette trying to ask him on a date. It had been a long argument with Mina over the fact that Denki seemed like a womanizer and there would be no point in trying to convince the blonde to go on a date with a guy.

"He probably got tired of waiting, you did take a while to get ready." Denki looked at his red haired friend and shrugged thinking about the half hour the other man spent gelling up his hair. "I needed to make sure that my hair was up, no big deal." Kirishima sighed as they continued forward, the red head tossed a water back towards (y/n) who caught it swiftly. "I think you look good with your hair down. It's cute and it shapes your face nice. It's pretty manly." The (h/c)ette smiled as he tried to find a way to get his friend to listen to what he was saying. It was hard to get Kirishima to listen to anyone about his style.

The only word that caught his attention was manly because he always wants to be man enough to face anything. "You really think my hair down makes me look manly?" Kiri slowed his pace so that he was now on the side of his slightly shorter friend. "Super manly." (y/n) held his fist up to the man which was returned to him. Neither of the two noticed the slight pout on the blondes face. "Well, I was thinking about how my uh, my choker looked weird on my hero outfit?" Denki noticed how it sounded more of a question rather than a statement.

The truth was he very confident in his choice of jewelry but he didn't like that the (h/c)ette was complimenting Kirishima instead of him. (y/n) always gave Kaminari compliments no matter what he was wearing and the blonde would be lying if he said that he wasn't used to it or if he didn't feel possessive over the.. the compliments, yeah. "I like it a lot, it looks really good on you, it exenterates your.. neck well?" The
(h/c)ette felt awkward and felt the heat rise to his cheeks. The truth was, he really likes the way the choker looked on Denki, mainly because he was always drawn to the neck of others. His mind being possessed by thoughts of how soft the skin would be to the touch.

"Oh, Do I have a nice neck (y/n)?" The mans golden eyes widen slightly as his eyebrows wiggled, a smile creeping onto his lips. This was the kind of joking around he loved to do with the other male, for some reason it always made the (h/c)ette nervous and Denki could never get enough. "I think so." Trying to avoid eye contact with the blonde the (s/c) boy hopped onto the back of his red haired friend who caught him effortlessly. "It's been a while since I've walked with you on my back." Kirishima flashed his sharp teeth at no one in particular when he smiled brightly. (Y/n) was his best friend but they hadn't hung out in a while because Mina kept taking him away.

Denki sighed, he knew the two others were close but in short, he was afraid that the (h/c)ette would start spending more time with Kirishima than he would with him. He just wanted his friend to give him more attention, he was sure that's all it was. "You guys go ahead, I think I'm getting a call." The blonde waved off to the two as he looked down at his buzzing phone, finally the boy pushed the answer button. "Hello?" A squeal was herd from the other end but it was fairly silent for a while before a perky voice responded back.

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