Todoroki, Shoto

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A year had passed since (y/n) and Todoroki got together. The date they started dating was only a few days away but it also happened to be at a tough time in Shoto's life. Every year around this time the taller male looked more upset than usual. (Y/n) always wished he could help his boyfriend out but he didn't know how to help when Shoto hadn't let him into to that part of his life yet. "Hey love, studying for finals?" The
(h/c)ette walked over to his boyfriends desk and wrapped his arms around the other males neck in a hug. A hum was all that was given in response.

The taller male turned his chair around as he quickly pulled the other onto his lap. It had been a while since he had shown the other affection and he felt bad about it. He should be more open with him but what would he think? Would (y/n) tell him that he's too broken, that there is no reason for the two to be together now that he has to deal with all of his burdens? Shoto wrapped his arms around the (h/c)ette's waist. (s/c) hands made their way to the other males hair, the feeling always made the shorter male smile. His hair felt as smooth as silk. Todoroki nudged his head into (y/n)'s neck.

It had taken him a while to get used to the affection but once he started it was hard for him to stop. This resulted in his friends calling him clingy, all he could do is hope that
(y/n) didn't mind. "I've missed you." It was hard to hear and if the
(h/c)ette hadn't been paying attention he would've missed it.

"Breaks almost here, maybe we'll be able to spend more time together. Take a study break and come lay with me." The smaller male stood pulling the other with him. Often times Shoto would forget to take breaks and would overwork himself which landed him with a cold. (y/n) started to remind him about breaks half way through school of last year. That's when he started to notice his romantic feelings. At first it was difficult because Shoto was so reluctant to take breaks or even showed that he cared. He would beat himself up about not being able to push himself harder than he already was.

"I don't really feel like laying down all that much." Todoroki looked at his boyfriend with so much adoration it was hard to miss. He never understood how the other could care this much for him, he had half expected for (y/n) to tell him that he should be pushing himself more to become a better hero but he never did. In fact, the other never expected anything grand of him which always felt a little nerve wrecking. "Okay, how about I make you some soba? I think the kitchens free right now anyway." The (h/c)ette shrugged a little as he finally tilted his head down to look at the time on his watch. Bakugo wasn't in the kitchen until six so he knew he'd have time.

"I'm more feeling like getting milk tea if you don't mind." The split haired man walked over to his closet and handed (y/n) a sweatshirt since he was shirtless. "I know of a good place, it just opened up. We can go try it." The (h/c)ette quickly shrugged on the sweatshirt after hearing the others hum in agreement. The two left the room hand in hand, as the two were nearing the exit of the dorms they ran into Denki and Kirishima. "Where are you two off to?" Denki wiggled his blonde eyebrows at the two. It wasn't a big deal that they were leaving but he was bored and if he could go then he would tag along.

"Milk Tea my good sir." (y/n) took a bow never letting go of Shoto's hand. "You know, I heard there's a new place that opened up not too long ago my liege." Kirishima took a bow towards the blonde as well. It had been a while since everyone was free like this. (y/n) had missed his friends but he was glad that they were all here right now.

"That is the destination my good sir." The (h/c)ette smiled at his friend before giving Shoto a look. It was one the two gave each other often when (y/n) tried to figure out if the other male was okay with something. He knew that Shoto can be very 'in his shell' even when he wanted to be out with people. With a squeeze of a hand everything was settled.

"Do you guys want to come with? We can all try the new place together if you're free right now." The shorter male smiled at his friends. He knew to others checking with Shoto was a little weird but he didn't really care or worry about it. He just wanted to make sure his boyfriend was comfortable because he could always go out with his friends some other time.

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