(Halloween Ep.) Kaminari, Denki

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Fantasy A.U.

Just like any other day (y/n) went to a clearing in the woods. It was a place he considered his haven. It looked like something out of a movie. When the sun hit its peak, the grass was incredibly green, and the flowers seemed to stand taller in order to reach the sun. The (h/c)ette was fascinated by all the fresh flowers that bloomed in the clearing. It was amazing to see all the different colors. He had been collecting some every day for the past month. It was a hobby of his, drying out flowers or putting them in a bouquet.

"Let's see, I haven't seen this one in a while." (y/n) smiled as he collected a couple of yellow tulips, placing them in the basket that he carried with him every day. Unaware of the yellow eyes that watched him from afar. The
(h/c)ette had moved around a little more and found purple Amaryllis flowers.

"I have no idea how you got here."
They were a flower that was known to grow in a specific area. Where he lived they had none.

Denki smiled as he watched how the other male looked pleasantly confused. This was his favorite pastime these days. He was always quick to come to the clearing he used to train in and sprout new flowers from around the world. Sometimes it could get a little tricky but it was all worth it for the beautiful stranger.
For days the blonde had been trying to see if the other male would get a hint that he was there. In hopes of being discovered, he had been sprouting flowers that portrayed the way he was feeling.

A few moments went by before Denki saw a cloaked figure on the other side of the clearing. It was easy to sense that the person wasn't good but how they got there was a mystery. The blonde was about to step out into the tall grass in order to cross the other side but was stopped when he heard a voice.

"I don't believe I've ever seen something like this before. Perhaps you would do well- what the hell?"
(y/n) looked around to see the same flowers sprouting through the entire clearing. It wasn't till a few seconds later that his skin started to burn terribly. Blisters started to form and the (h/c)ette couldn't help but scream. The flowers slowly started to disappear but it was too late. The heat was too much for (y/n) to take, the burning wouldn't stop. It was hard to focus, hard to move. He tried to take a few steps away from a figure he saw approaching but before he knew it the world around him went black.

Denki did his best to make the flowers disappear, when he failed to do it quick enough he ran over the
(h/c)ette. He needed to get the stranger to his home and quickly. He had no way of knowing whether or not the figure from before would be back. The blonde carefully transported himself and the other male to his home before starting to heal the (h/c)ette. It took a lot of concentration but with time he was able to do it. The blisters and redness slowly disappeared from the man's (s/c) skin.

Denki had half expected the (h/c)ette to wake up right away but he didn't. It worried him for a second before he remembered that people don't normally have enhanced healing. The blonde decided to make a snack and some tea while he waited.

An hour after passing out (y/n) opened his eyes before getting up. The room wasn't one he knew to be in his house but he knew where he was.. at least he thought so. The room was one he had seen many times in his dreams. There was just one thing missing, the kitten that would run around his legs. That and the blonde that would always- "Hey you're awake cutie." Denki was pleasantly surprised to see that the other male had indeed woken up.

"Same response, this dream is a little off though, where's the kitten?" (y/n) was feeling skeptical of his situation, the blonde's clothes were different in this dream too. "Oh? I don't have a cat." Denki was a little confused that the other male wasn't freaking out. "Yes, you do. The little black kitten, I think his name was Luck." (y/n) wasn't going to let this go, he knew there was a cat here somewhere.

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