(Valentines Ep.) Aizawa, Shouta

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It was a day that (y/n) might've loved and hated at the same time. A day that he had spent the last month preparing for, Valentines Day. He hated it because a lot of people used it to be shallow but he loved it all at the same time because it was an opportunity to give his crush something he had been wanting to.

The (h/c)ette started working at U.A. a few months ago. It took him a while to adjust after transferring from Shiketsu High but he managed to do so with the help from the other teachers. One in particular caught his eye, a lot more than he cared to admit. The homeroom teacher for class 1A, Mr. Aizawa, there was something about him that his (e/c) eyes couldn't shake.

When he first started at U.A. he had tripped, dropping all his things as if he were a student. His work flew everywhere. The embarrassment he felt then was more than he had ever felt before. Back then, Aizawa had helped him gather his things. Of course, that was after the taller man had called him unprofessional and an irresponsible child.

That very same day (y/n) had found himself in a bit more trouble which Aizawa had helped him with, yet again. Being helped so much by someone who told him off was new for the (h/c)ette but he also found it amusing. So, he asked the pro-hero to get lunch with him. Of course he was denied more than a few times before the older man agreed. Since that day (y/n) was having lunch with Aizawa everyday, he tried to get to know the other male quickly but he was able to see how reluctant the dark haired man was.

It had taken three month before he started to learn new things. Though the (h/c)ette knew plenty already just from observing. "Mr. Aizawa, can I have a word with you for a moment?" (y/n) poked his head into the classroom. Class was just ending and all of the students were looking at him with curiosity and others with knowing eyes. "No." Aizawa denied with an indifferent look in his eyes. He was busy and whatever (l/n) wanted, could wait.

"Oh come on Mr. Aizawa at least Mr. (l/n) let his class go a few minutes early." One of the students called out making (y/n)'s face flush. He knew where this conversation was going to go. He was normally very relaxed about the rules, unlike other teachers he knew.

A tired sigh escaped Shouta's lips, "I'm sure Nezu would be thrilled to hear it." Multiple people physically cringed when hearing that. No one wanted to get caught up with the principal. They would quite literally. never hear the end of it. "I'll just come back later, thank you Kaminari." (y/n) gave thanks to the student who had spoken up for him earlier. Even if it was just to try and get out of class early. Walking away he pulled the bag back in front of him. Now that he thought about it, he was embarrassed about giving Aizawa something.

It felt childish, they were adults and here (y/n) was, trying to give a Valentine's Day gift. Class ended shortly after but by then the (h/c)ette had already made it back to his own room. He set the bag under his desk before thinking more about the situation. He knew that the other man enjoyed when someone proved things with their actions rather than empty words, but would a gift be too much? Perhaps it was too little? Grand gestures were attention grabbers and (y/n) knew Aizawa hated drawing attention.

Truthfully, (y/n) had never felt this way before. Of course he had school crushes when he was younger but he never really felt like he connected with anyone this much. Getting to know Shouta felt so natural to him, even if it had taken a few months. Watching him and learning the other males mannerisms came with ease.

"Make it quick. I want to get home to nap." Aizawa walked into the
(h/c)ettes classroom. There was nothing about this day that was special to him, it was just another day. It hadn't but taken him long to figure out why (l/n) had been acting weird. Much less, speaking out of turn. It was just last semester that the older man had scolded the (h/c)ette for letting his class out early.

It wasn't all bad, sometimes it's amusing how much of an open book (y/n) was. He always wore his heart on his sleeve. "I just wanted to give you this, I know it seems silly." The (h/c)ette handed Aizawa a black bag. Normally, he would've opted for something brighter but he wanted the bag to represent the other male.

Aizawa's eyes widened slightly as he looked into the large back. Everything in it was something he had never expressed he liked. Coffee, and the snacks he always had stocked away in his classroom. Juices that he knew were childish to drink but he enjoyed them anyway. Even a soft blanket had been tucked away at the bottom. "How did you know I liked this stuff?" Aizawa continued to look in the bag. He had seen a number of items that were supposed to help you sleep. It was something that made his heart feel funny. More than it usual did, around (y/n), anyway.

"I've been spending a decent amount of time with you. I just.. pay attention." (y/n) shrugged a little but he could feel his face heat up from seeing how the other male enjoyed the gift. "I also made these for you. I haven't seen you eat chocolate before but I wanted to do something that was a piece of your culture." The
(h/c)ette handed the taller male a box of homemade chocolates. They were lavender infused and he had spent his whole night trying to make them. The amount of times he had accidentally burned the chocolates almost drove him insane.

Generally, Aizawa didn't eat this kind of crap but he opened the box and ate a piece. It was to show gratitude. There was something so endearing about the fact that (y/n) went out of his way not only to get him a gift but to also make chocolates for him. "Researching my culture?" He raised an eyebrow at the other male. He knew that the (h/c)ette had moved to Japan many years before teaching at Shiketsu.

"The students kind of helped me figure it out. They said that if you have feelings for someone it can be expressed through making chocolates and giving it to said person on this day." (l/n) had a habit of blabbing on for a little which was, ironically, one of the reasons he was hired to be a teacher. He kept the students intertained and he was good at his job. "So, you have feelings for me then? There are other meanings to giving choclate. For all I know this could be gratitude chocolate." Aizawa shrugged a little. He knew the answer to the question but he couldn't help but torment the other male just a little.

"I have feelings for you." (y/n) decided to be bold. It was now or never and he decided rejection would be better than suffering in silence. "I guess.. I'll have to prepare chocolates for you then. On white day." Aizawa dropped a subtle hint before packing away his things. "What's that?" The (h/c)ette had a look of curiousity in his eyes as he watched the other male pack away all the items he had taken out.

"Its where I give you chocolate, look it up. Come on, let's go eat." Aizawa had just wanted to go home and sleep but he didn't feel so tired anymore. Instead, he took the shorter male to his apartment where they ate snacks together and talked for a while. There was an unspoken shift in their relationship dynamic but they didn't voice it. They continued like nothing was different. Cautiously poking the physical boundaries between them to see how far they could go.

(y/n) kissed Aizawa's cheek as they settled into the couch. He played with the other males hair as they settled into the couch. (Y/n) loved how soft Shouta's hair was, it felt like silk. As he ran his fingers through the other males hair he looked down to see Aizawa had fallen asleep. It was peaceful and (l/n) was thankful for the taller male allowing him to be here. "Happy Valentine's Day, Shouta." He whispered as he settled in. He knew he would have to wait for the other male to wake.

Word count: 1,492

Shorter than normal, I'm sorry~
Happy late valentines day

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