(Halloween Ep.) Takami Keigo

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(y/n) was humming to himself as he continued his research. He had heard about the village which housed wish-granting fairies. There was something he needed desperately, and while he knew there was always a catch to these wishes, he didn't care. (y/n) was a healer. His family had been for centuries, but it didn't make you that much profit. Especially when the
(h/c)ette gave care without charging.

He knew that he should at least charge a little, but it never felt right to him. (y/n) always wanted to help the less fortunate, but now he was starting to be in that category. He had considered getting a job, but no one wanted to hire him. They always assumed his business was great enough and there was no need for him to have more money. After he found a general location of the village, the (h/c)ette packed a bag and went on his way.

The journey would take him a few days, but it was worth it. His house had been breaking down and with nowhere to live, he had no opportunity to restart his business or find a way to make money with the way he was handling things. During his journey, (y/n) collected lots of flowers and mushrooms. They weren't exactly anything special, but they were enough to provide him with some free tea. On the third and final day of his journey. The (h/c)ette found a river in which he bathed himself, the water was freezing and the soap he had may have gone down the current but at least he was able to get clean.

It was easy to tell when he reached the village. Large mushrooms and trees were all around. They were the size of a normal house. Wooden doors stayed wide open. There were little flower laps all around the village. It was hard not to gasp at its beauty. The entire village was bright with color and smelled amazing. Not to mention the small specs of glitter floating around.

"What's a human doing here?"

(y/n) heard some of the fairies whispering about him but it didn't matter. He was only there to see one person. They say there is one fairy that has multiple abilities. He was said to be the strongest among the rest. It was easy to tell which house was his. Fairies always put the most powerful one in the largest tree. From there, everyone else had the same sized home. This way you wouldn't be able to tell who was next in line to receive the largest house. The
(h/c)ette was hesitant to knock but he knew he had to. He made it this far, there was no way he could turn back now. The door opened itself which (y/n) took as an invitation.

It was hard to know what was going on when no one said anything. "Hello?" The (h/c)ette called out as he walked further in. The place was nicely decorated. He didn't mean to sound rude but he didn't expect the inside of a tree to look this nice. "Hey there, I've been waiting for you." Keigo flew to the bottom. He had been using a form of divination, rain was incredibly useful. "Oh, you're also wearing red. What's the story behind that?" (y/n) was curious to know why the decorations matched the color of his hair and clothes.

"It's hard to explain to someone who isn't like us. Anyway gorgeous, tell me what wish it is you want to be granted. We can talk about the price after." The blonde winked at the
(h/c)ette, he knew of (y/n)'s family. They too once asked him for a wish. There was just one thing he hadn't gotten yet, the thing he asked for in return.

"Listen, I know it sounds stupid of me to ask. I know my family has a successful business and all. I'm really not sure how they could keep it up. My house is sort of falling apart, I was hoping you could make it brand new." The shorter male felt his face heat up. This was embarrassing, he was debating on just turning around and telling the fairy to forget it. "For a cute thing like yourself, I'd love to, there's only one problem." Keigo was trying his best to keep a positive face but the more he thought about it, this situation was not the best for either of you.

When the (h/c)ette didn't speak he took that as his sign to continue. "Your parents didn't exactly have a successful life either. I've been watching what kind of person you are for three years. I kind of regret asking for what I did but I didn't know you were actually a good person." The blonde could see this conversation going two ways.

He was hoping it would go the positive route but he wouldn't be able to know for sure. "Did my parents trade my soul or something? I can't see how this could get any worse."
(y/n) sighed a little before shrugging. If he was dead then that's that, there was nothing else he could do. Deals with fairies were obsolete.

"No, they promised you to me. You're looking at your fiance." Keigo felt his face turn red a little. He never thought he would actually say that. He was known in the village for flirting with everyone. People even made jokes that he would never settle down and find true love. He had no idea if that was something he was capable of, he was willing to find out though. "Oh, I'm okay with that. I'll be sure to treat you kindly as long as you do the same." (y/n) shrugged a little, there was no way he was going to complain about this.

The blonde was the most attractive man he'd ever seen. His blonde hair was perfectly placed and he had what looked like eyeliner on. Red glitter had been scattered in certain areas of his face. He was beautiful, his wings were sheer with a tint of red, and they were incredibly shiny. "I'm very well known, you're not afraid that the rumors are true? What happens if I'm unfaithful?" Keigo was concerned that this was completely forced but he would still do his best even if this was arranged.

"I'm not too concerned about it. Rumors are just that, rumors. Besides, it kind of goes against your species' beliefs. There is a chance that we will never truly fall in love but I do already like you. The fact that you were concerned about that shows me you'll be more than a satisfactory husband." (y/n) wasn't sure what he was saying but it didn't matter. He had read many wonderful things. He wasn't going to forget them just because a group of people said something different.

He was sure that Keigo was just as the readings said. A kind-hearted man who believed in what others said. "I like you too, I know more about you than you do me but regardless. We can get to know each other fast and well. You'll live here with me." It didn't sound like a demand but they both knew what that meant. Those who were set to marry in the fairy village stay in the fairy village, unless said otherwise.

(y/n) was quick to move in over a couple of days and the two were set on getting to know each other. They tried everything, from games to sharing stories of their past. The two realized they had a lot more in common then they had originally thought. Over the course of a year
(y/n) realized that he really couldn't have asked for a better life.

Keigo was very flirtatious but what many people didn't know is that he was also very protective and clingy. He had gifted the (h/c)ette a raindrop to wear around his neck. The two were able to communicate through it and it made sure that (y/n) was safe. If he was ever in danger the blonde would be able to tell through the drop. They shared sweet moments before bed, it was fascinating to the (h/c)ette.

The way Keigo would flop down and immediately pull him close. Physically, the two were always close. It took the shorter male a while to get used to but soon he didn't want to live without it. "I was thinking of a winter wedding." Keigo looked at his lover. He always tried not to bring it up but he wanted this now. It was both a blessing and a curse the way love was hard-wired into fairies. They were always quick to fall in love, and they felt love to an extreme. It had only been a year but he learned so much about (y/n) during that time.

He learned about all the things that made him laugh. That and he enjoyed how overprotective he was. They'd always go on dates together, (y/n) loved flight dates. The two would go over different villages just to see the differences. It was fascinating. "Won't it be too cold for a winter wedding?" The (h/c)ette hated the cold, he was sure they would freeze to death if they did a winter wedding. "Not here, it'll be nice and warm. There'll still be snow but it's different in this village." After discussing it a little more the two agreed on the winter wedding. It wouldn't be cold but it would be romantic and (y/n) was very okay with that.

The two may not have met in the most convenient or romantic way but they were able to make it work with an open mind and along the way they really did fall in love with each other. It was hard to say if (y/n)'s parents knew this would happen but either way. They helped the (h/c)ette live an amazing life with someone who was extraordinary.

Word count: 1611

I'm sorry I ran out of material for this T-T I tried but if I made it more detailed we would be looking at a full-on book but I guess that goes for most of these chapters.

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