(Halloween Ep.) Shoto, Todoroki

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(y/n) had been traveling for a long time, he had left his home almost four months ago. It had been hard for him but after everything he had endured, he needed to see if the rumors were true. Many always said that the King's son, Shoto was kind and had no regard for status. He had heard about how his personality seemed to be one crafted by the gods.

In a world where magic was everything, (y/n) wasn't the strongest. He wasn't even considered middle class, but at least he was born with magic. He knew of some
People born without and they never had equal opportunity. The (h/c)ette found a wall and decided to rest, he must have found a neighboring town, at least that's what he thought. Lights started to flash as sirens blared, and (y/n) was terrified.

He started to run as fast as he could, any direction would be good enough, he just needed to find a place to hide. This sort of thing only happened to him once before. He had been three days into his travel when a raid started in the middle of a small village. Unfortunately, (y/n) wasn't quick enough to hide and had been captured. The (h/c)ette noticed he had ended up in the town at this point and tried his best to hide in an alleyway. "Not good at noticing when others are following you? your survival instincts are shit." A man had come forth with a group of others.

"I genuinely don't have anything you could possibly want." (y/n) started his rant on how he had been carrying nothing with him. Everything he started out with had already been taken. The only thing he had was the clothes on his back. "We only came here for you. Trespassing on Royal ground is illegal. The King will be thrilled to see you." The man was blonde that much was clear to see. He was wearing glasses even though it had been night and his clothes weren't ones that matched the Palace.

"Please, have mercy, sir. I came to lay eyes on the rumored prince. They say it's forbidden for him to leave. I wish to plea a case to him." The (h/c)ette wasn't sure if this would work and he was very nervous about the whole thing but all he could do was hope.

"Kid, get over here before we have to take you by force." Feathers started to fly around, it was impossible to see. "Why say that then do all of this? I can't see." It was clear to (y/n) that he never had a choice but it would have been nice to think he did. As the feathers got closer to him, things went black. Voices were going around the entire room. The guards weren't sure what to do with (y/n). They had brought the stranger all the way into the palace to see the king but once inside, they were informed the king was not even in the kingdom.

"I can take care of it. I've seen Endeavor do it plenty of times." Shoto had been standing outside the door for what seemed like hours. All he knew was that the guards were arguing and that he was bored. It had been years since he had met someone new. He was rarely allowed out. The group continued talking for a few moments before footsteps sounded and a door closed. (y/n) counted for a few seconds. It didn't sound like there was anyone else in the room with him so he opened his eyes. He was on the floor of a big room, it had deep brown furniture with red accents. The
(h/c)ette got up after a moment to see where he was.

Noticing the big chair in the middle he knew this was probably the main room in the palace. The sound of the door opening startled (y/n) into turning around quickly. "Oh, you're awake." Shoto was curious to know what had been going on. He was asleep one moment before he heard all the noise going on outside. "I swear I wasn't here to hurt anyone. Please have mercy." (y/n) figured now would be the best time to try and beg for his life. If the king wasn't here this was his only chance to save himself.

"What are you doing here?" The man noticed the other male looked to be exhausted and his clothes weren't exactly the best. "I was looking for you." The (h/c)ette had said it more like a whisper but he felt every bit embarrassed after not wording it better. "Why?" Shoto was beyond confused and was hoping to get answers. After a few moments of silence the prince's confusion grew, the stranger wouldn't look at him.

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