(Birthday Ep.) Bakugo, Katsuki

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(Y/n) had spotted him once again from the stage. The pro-hero everyone was starting to hate in the media. Despite the rough and very loud exterior, (y/n) liked him. To the (h/c)ette pro-hero dynamite was hilarious. A one of a kind man, so it was a mystery as to how he came alone.. always. (Y/n) had finished his routine dance. It was a specialty, one he had been practicing for months. Dressed in lingerie that resembled a hero costume. The (h/c)ette hopped off the stage swiftly and sauntered over to the blonde. "Drinking alone, again?" (Y/n) teased, an amused glint in his eyes.

"Take a look around, dumbass. Does it seem like someone wants to drink with me?" Katsuki rolled his eyes, he had just finished his patrol and his friends didn't seem too excited about his birthday so he came to have a drink in peace. He didn't want to be bothered by some dancer. "Mm, I do." (Y/n) sat next to the blonde, he could hear the man grumbling to himself but it didn't bother the
(h/c)ette one bit. The eyes around the room seemed to fall onto (y/n), panicked glances.

"You know, I see you every time I have a shift but.. you never actually watch me dance, why?" The (h/c)ette touched the blonde's arm gently. The shorter male smiled slightly, having some memories of how Bakugo was in high school, pretty much gave him the answer. "Cause I'm better than these lowlife assholes who stare at a piece of ass until they can get it." Katsuki scoffed as his eyes wandered the room, finally falling onto the (e/c) ones that looked vaguely familiar. He couldn't bring himself to remember.

"Hm? But I made that dance just for you, even crafted this pretty little thing." (Y/n) pouted as he gestured to his outfit, the leather straps that crossed over his body like Katsuki's hero outfit. The colors matching perfectly. "Didn't ask you for that. You could be doing something better, not selling your body." Bakugo knew he had no right to make that comment. Truthfully, it only bothered him because of how he had watched others try to take hold of the
(h/c)ette's body by force.

"Desperate times, my quirk didn't make the cut, neither did my fancy little UA diploma." (Y/n) sighed, the real reason was that he didn't want to be a hero. He didn't even mean to try out for UA's entrance exam. Wrong place, right time. "Huh, UA? I'll get you a job then." Katsuki's eyes lingered momentarily before he finished off his drink, tapping the glass to ask for another.

"I'm not interested in being a hero.." (y/n)'s eyes held only truth to them as they stared Katsuki's the red glint boring into his soul. "What the hell did you go to UA for then, huh?" Katsuki quickly grew irritated, how come the (h/c)ette took away a spot from someone who deserved it? "Originally, I only went to see off a friend but.. a teacher told me I was already there so I should try." (Y/n)'s face flushed, now that he thought about it, at least a hero made decent money. Being a pole dancer only gave him so much. He had to try extra hard for his money.

"A friend.. Tell you what, if you show me why you like me so much maybe I'll land you a job at my agency. No hero work, you'll do all my paperwork for me." Bakugo gave one of these cocky smiles that told (y/n) he was confident in the (h/c)ette's downfall.
"Okay.. but, I do like pole dancing so.. if I win, you have to date me. I'll dance for you only." (L/n) knew this was an offer the blonde couldn't pass up. Katsuki was a 'one mate' kind of guy, the type who only wanted to date a few people before he settled down. A meaningful relationship that lasted years.

"What makes you think I'd want that?" The blonde shook his head, as he chugged the new drink he ordered. The burn of his throat made his body go hot, his face becoming slightly pink as the alcohol started to settle in. One more and he'd surely be tipsy. "Cause I want you. You seem to like what you see and... I won't cheat on you, ever." (Y/n) leaned in close as if challenging the blonde. His tone was playful and his heart was racing with anticipation.

"Hm, want me, huh? Wanna be mine?" The words felt unusual slipping out of the blondes mouth. He had never dated anyone before.
(Y/n)'s face turned a bright shade of red, his heart fluttered in his chest as he heard the words. The smirk on Katsuki's face was the same he sported when he knew he was about to win a fight. "Yeah, I wanna be yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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