Bakugo, Katsuki

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CW: Has more "adultish" scenes. Not any NSFW spice but some moments of implying such.

A few months passed after (y/n) had opened his agency and things were looking slightly down on his part. He was able to sign a few hero's into his agency but the one hero he wanted to sign was hiding from the media. Regardless, the (h/c)ette tried his best to trace the blonde down. He swore on his life he would enlist the man even if it was the last thing he did. It was a promise the two made back at UA, something about being so in love they never wanted to seperate. That was until the day they did. It was genuinely the most heartbreaking thing the (h/c)ette had ever experienced. After trying to hard to convince the blonde that they were in it for life.

Granted, at the time he said it because he knew that's what the taller male wanted to hear, but he grew to mean every bit of it. Now he was stuck at his desk reading everything the news put out in order to find the one man that left all those years ago. Twenty-five years old and still pining over his high school boyfriend. If Katsuki could see him now he might even call it pathetic but he didn't care. He remembers when they made that promise, like it was yesterday.

The two of them had been standing in the blondes room. It was after some intense training that they did and were talking about how the media was keeping such a close eye on UA. It was third year and at that point the two had already been together for a year. They had one press conference with reporters and fans because it was part of their course at the time. Unfortunately for the two of them, the questions asked were mainly about the relationship they had with each other. Of course, they were happy to answer, as many of them were polite, at least it was at the start. The more the conference went on the more people started to pick apart the difference in attitude between the two. People were asking how (y/n) could be with someone who was always screaming and being rude to those who didn't deserve it.

Like always, the (h/c)ette was quick to defend his boyfriend. It wasn't hard to do since the blonde was never really like that. I mean sure, he was loud but it was natural to his nature, Mitsuki was always screaming and it was just a trait the boy had adopted from her. In any case, it was something (y/n) enjoyed as he found it entertaining. Even if the blonde through around insults, he knew it was never actually meant in harsh manner. It's hard to give compliments if you aren't used to it. Even when (y/n) tried to tell the other male that he loved him for the first time, the blonde refused to hear it and told him he shouldn't say it unless he meant it. For a while it confused the (h/c)ette until he took the time to understand.

He was sure to explain a lot of things to the media, like their relationship dynamic but not many people believed him. Eventually, during the conference, people started saying he would make a better pair with someone like Kirishima or Denki. When it started to become too much Aizawa took care for things and the two headed to the back. The whole time the blonde was silent and it was concerning for the (h/c)ette. "You know they're just mad. They'd be mad if I was with anyone else anyways. Don't get too upset about it, I only want to be with you." (y/n) was quick to hug his boyfriend but it didn't seem to make him feel much better. He was nervous to try again and say the words he had a few months back.

Now knowing that if he said 'I love you' then he would have to mean he wanted to marry the blonde. This was his in or out moment but he was sure he didn't care. If this is what the blonde needed to really solidify their relationship then he would commit. It was something big and he knew that. Izuku had explained it to him before this whole thing. He had told (y/n) that Bakugo only saw relationships as a permanent arrangement which is why he hadn't been in one at all, until now. The blonde didn't want something that could be considered artificial so it took him a straightforward, 'I'll take this to marriage' sort of deal. At the time it weighed a lot on (y/n)'s mind but at that moment he didn't care. Even if he didn't mean it, no one had to know.

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