Monoma, Neito

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"Good afternoon class, today we are sparring with class 1B. I'll be there, so will all might. Don't bother me unless someone is injured." As always Aizawa looked incredibly tired, (y/n) knew that when they got to the sparring sight he would more than likely be sat down somewhere trying to sleep. The only other time the
(h/c)ette has interacted with the other class was at the sports festival and even then he didn't speak to many of them. He did know that Monoma was attractive and very loud. "Don't just sit there go get ready." With that, everyone had gotten up to put on their hero outfits. (Y/n) figured that this would be easy for him.

After all, his quirk was good to use in close and far combat. After everyone was dressed, they all made their way down to the sight. In doing so they heard that it was going to be one on one sparring in order for class 1B to get experience fighting those with more experience. (y/n) since then had been trying to manifest being paired up with Monoma. "Well Well, if it isn't the class who thinks they're better than us." And just like that he was there again, doing a very dramatic flare of his hands which
(y/n) found a little strange but didn't say anything.

"Shut the hell up, I hope I get paired with you so I'd get payback for last time." Bakugo had a crazy look in his eyes, normally anyone who was on the opposite side of a conversation with Bakugo would drop the topic. The (h/c)ette was not so pleasantly surprised to hear the two continue to go back and forth until All Might stepped in. "There There young ones! Today we will be drawing lots to see who is paired with who! I have taken the liberty of writing down all your names so go ahead and pick your poison." As always he had a huge smile on his face, jumping at the opportunity (y/n) stuck his hand into the little bin and pulled out a piece of paper. He was confused to see a name he didn't recognize.

'Neito' "Who the hell is this?" Normally the (h/n)ette was good with names but for those that weren't in his class he had only remembered last names. Automatically, (y/n) knew all might had written down first names. "Hah, who's (y/n)? What a pathetic name they have, a name of a true loser." Although, the (h/c)ette didn't enjoy being called a loser or being told that his name is pathetic he made his way over to the person he was hoping to get. "You don't happen to be Neito, right? Cause I have to be honest, I don't care if you think my name is pathetic, I quite like yours." (y/n) stepped closer to the other male.

Flirting could be considered sparring right? The (h/c)ette flashed a smile when he noticed that the other got slightly red. Monoma however, was thinking of how he couldn't let his guard down since this was more than likely a ploy in order to win in sparring. "Are you some sort of pervert?" The blonde rolled his eyes for a moment before taking a very small step back. It was rare for him to get attention, he had to admit that he was enjoying this.

"Maybe, or maybe I'm just a little perverted for you." (y/n) knew it wasn't the cutest line to go with but he had to work with what he had and it didn't seem like it was going down hill. "You know, I plan to make you lose so I can prove your class is nowhere near superior. I know you think you're better than me."

(y/n) noted that the blonde was rather dramatic and he couldn't complain. He enjoyed it, so instead of going with a regular boring sentence the (h/c)ette got down on one knee and took the blondes hand in his. "I will surrender to you, always, but if you want to truly spar I will treat you as my equal. I am neither above or beneath you." (y/n)'s touch was shaken off quickly, he knew what he had done but he didn't care. He'd let Monoma copy his quirk all the time if it meant he had to have physical contact with him.

"You mindless fool, now I really will defeat you. All this because you're a little pervert." The blonde was laughing hysterically and since it was clear he wanted to fight (y/n) wasted no time in using his quirk.

"I'm really not a pervert love, I just think you're real cute." The two began to fight, (y/n) struggling slightly, fighting against his own quirk. Monoma was trying his best to use fast strategies in order to reach his time limit. The (h/c)ette came up with a strategy of his own so as he started counting the seconds of each minute, he noticed how time was running out for Monoma. Using his quirk to pull the blonde in (y/n) trapped him. He made his way over to the button to signify that he had won the match, clicking it he started to walk off until he tripped.

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