Iida, Tenya

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Class had just ended and (y/n) was on a mission to get Iida to finally agree to going on a date with him. It was no secret to the entire class that the both liked each other. It became evident during their first year at UA together. The (h/c)ette adored the way he always worked hard in order to live up to his family name and found it funny how he took every situation in life serious. (y/n) had become extremely curious to know why Iida had taken an interest in him. After all, they are polar opposites.

The (h/c)ette didn't need to try nearly as hard as the others to achieve good grades and enjoyed making light of situations so that they didn't feel as heavy as they truly were. The boy quickly made his way to where Mina sat. "Hey (y/n)! You sure did take your time in getting here. We left class at the same time." The girl looked at her friend and noticed how he seemed rather in a rush and a bit nervous. "Today's the day." The boy let out a sigh. The amount of times he has said that is starting to sound sad.

It wasn't like he tried every day though he did try once a week using different strategies. "Here he comes, I'm going to try something." Mina had come up with a plan that would certainly work. After all, it was very straightforward of her to ask. "Hello Mina, (l/n)! It's a very nice day out for training. Would you like to join me?" As usual the blue haired man stood near the two with his hands on either side of him pointed out in a perfect 90 degree angle. "Iida, you know how you and (y/n) like each other?" the pinkette had a large smile on her face as usual and couldn't help but to place her head on her hands.

This was something she had been wanting to ask and was practically squealing in excitement. "I do, what is this about?" Tenya took the liberty to face (y/n) at this point and had a skeptical look on his face. Could this be another ploy that the (h/c)ette had set up in order to ask him out once again? He had to be honest, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the attention that the shorter male gave him.

One thing he liked about the other male was that he was determined and resilient. "How come you two aren't dating yet if you both like each other?" The girl was on the edge of her seat and she wasn't the only one. (y/n) desperately wanted to know this information as well but he tried his best to keep calm and not let it show. "He doesn't take school seriously and I don't know if I can be with someone who can't study when I want to study." The news wasn't shocking but to say that the words didn't hurt the (h/c)ette would be a lie. It's not like he didn't take life or school seriously. It's that his good memory kept him from needing to study as hard or as long as Iida did.

If all Iida wanted to do was study then that's what he'll try to do. "Fine, let's study together, just us." (y/n) was grasping at straws at this point. He was willing to study for a full twenty four hours if that's what it took. "Just us, and you'll actually study?" To say Tenya was skeptical of this whole situation was an understatement but a study date is exactly the kind of thing he could do. He wouldn't have to be nervous because there wouldn't be any actual conversation. It would just be studying.

"I'll actually study with you. It's not exactly what I had in mind but I know this coffee shop you'll love. It's got good sweets which I know you like but won't admit to." at this point the (h/c)ette was rambling but he didn't care if the bluette actually agreed to this then he'd be over the moon.

"We'll do tomorrow then. I will see you at the gate after school." (e/c) eyes watched as the other males hand moved in a chop motion before Iida had walked off. "I don't know how that happened but you are an absolute god." (y/n) turned to look at his best friend with a large smile on his face. Tomorrow would be the day that he finally gets to go on a date with the guy he's been crushing on for over a year. If he were to wake up in his bed right now he'd be completely crushed but the squealing that brought him out of his thoughts made it perfectly clear that this was indeed real.

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